My Missing Sense of Humor....

by AllTimeJeff 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • AllTimeJeff

    Did you ever notice how serious I post on this board?

    It's interesting to me, but I haven't tried to make any friends. That is because when I first left, I had a somewhat negative experience meeting someone on a JW board...(I am just saying that, it isn't the point of this thread...)

    But I can sense that I need to lighten up. No matter where we stand as to our personal opinions on politics, religion, football (GO STEELERS) they are just that, our thoughts. I don't know about you, but I gave up thinking the world revolved around me a long time ago...

    I have gotten into a couple of debates with Perry and Burn the Ships, which I have enjoyed. When I first joined JWD, I had a long debate with Auld Soul.... (oh the memories)

    To me, debating different views helps me to grow, and doesn't get me too upset. I try not to antagonize, but if I do, I apologize. Not for my views, but for causing hurt feelings.

    I should probably joke more then I do. I will look into that.... lol. In any case, its good for us ex JW's, and current JW's to know there are people who understand, and help the best they can. Thats what I try to do.

    Wishing everyone the best, as always!

  • Kudra

    You debated with Perry...?

    I think you have a sense of humor...

  • JimmyPage

    ATJ I think anyone with an avatar of Stephen Colbert has a pretty good sense of humor.

  • Farkel

    Do you want to get a good sense of humor? Then learn to laugh at yourself after you see how ridiculous you really are in the cosmic sense of things. Once you can do that, laughing at everything else is easy.

    I'm not singling you out here, Jeff. I think I'm a totally ridiculous buffoon, too. It works for everyone! Try it, you'll like it.


  • AllTimeJeff
    I'm not singling you out here, Jeff. I think I'm a totally ridiculous buffoon, too.

    LOL! I keep thinking of that line Matthew Broderick said in "Ferris Bueller".... something to the effect that his friend 'was so uptight, if you put a piece of coal up his, um, well, @$$, you would get a diamond..."

    I am poor and tried it. I learned that though I might be uptight, I still can't produce a diamond from a piece of coal up my @$$.

    Maybe I should try Lotto....

  • LockedChaos


    Farkel hit it



    Twisted Humor

    Never Debate

    I express views

    No need to sell

    Care less what others think


    I'm telling the truth

    I wouldn't lie

    If you don't belive me then kiss off!!


  • beksbks

    Jeff, the more sensible posts you make, and you make plenty, the more I think the world should maybe consider revolving around you. Just a little bit. Maybe Wednesday mornings between 8 and 8:15? Right after it revolves around Farkel, between 7:59 and 8.

  • AllTimeJeff


    You're giving me 15 minutes? Comrade Farkel only gets one minute? Thats gonna piss him off... (no offense Comrade Farkel)

    I tried to tell my boss that my world revolved around me. He told me to shove it up my @$$. I told him I already had something up there......

  • beksbks

    Dah, comrade Farkel is being reassigned!

  • Farkel


    :Dah, comrade Farkel is being reassigned!

    I'm semi-retired, anyway. You shoulda seen me when I had TWO minutes of opportunity!


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