by whereami 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • whereami

    This is really bad. Hurl alert!!

    Can we spot a lost sheep?
    > She only comes on Sunday, and she usually is quite late.
    > Is she baptized or inactive is the question for debate.
    > Few people try to know her and some wonder and stare.
    > No one tries to dig down deep to see who's really there.
    > In her purse is a funeral program that is ragged around the ears.
    > It's yellow and quite wrinkled and has been soaked with many tears.
    > She's looked at it quite often and knows the resurrection hope.
    > But she still mourns her daughter, and sometimes she can't cope.
    > Many people wonder but no one ever made a call.
    > She's one of the lost sheep sitting there, right in your Kingdom Hall.
    > Her uncle molested her when she was just a child.
    > Her mother didn't believe her and said she was just wild.
    > Jehovah God has blessed her and now she has the Truth.
    > But she still lives with all the scars of a stolen youth.
    > They say she's moody and she's mean, so no one bothers to call.
    > She's one of the lost sheep sitting there, right in the Kingdom Hall.
    > She comes to all the meetings, to the field and mingles with the friends.
    > But once she goes back home again, the heartache soon begins.
    > She grew up in the Truth, has served Jehovah all her life.
    > All she ever wanted was to be a Christian wife.
    > Now she's past the bloom of youth. Her dreams have not come true.
    > She's tempted and frustrated and scared of what she might do.
    > You probably think she's strong and she doesn't need a call.
    > But she's one of the lost sheep sitting there, right in your Kingdom Hall.
    > When searching from door to door and bringing more sheep in,
    > Don't forget all the sheep who are already in the pen.
    > All of these are true stories of people at the Hall.
    > Take some time and look closely and see who needs a call.
    > We always remember the sick, the single parents and the old,
    > But can we try to include still others in our fold?
    > Remember that Jehovah doesn't want anyone to fall.
    > And that there might be a lost sheep sitting in YOUR Kingdom Hall.
    > Author Unknown

  • lancelink


    this is part of the reason my wife and i are no longer JW's.

  • proandcon

    In my congo (Mass, USA), 99 out of 100 could get lost and no one would care...much less search for them...and the elders are to be shepards of God's flock bought thru the value of the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ??? Not in my neck of the's all show and tell...superficial love at one cares or takes much interest in anyone...far cry from just 10 years ago.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Sounds like a pioneer meeting brain fart.

  • BurnTheShips

    Do you know what highly placed Witnoids do to lost sheep when no one is looking?

    It would make an Iraqi shepherd blush.


  • carla

    yeah, that's real sweet and all but can you count time with someone like that?

  • JWdaughter

    Yikes, can you see all the condescending 'strong' brothers and sisters descending on the poor souls they meet that they suspect might be 'lost'? Maybe even desperate for their husband? Who knows what kind of trouble they can cause if they aren't found or leave altogether. Let's get THAT little issue settled-ASAP!!!

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    That's all we need! I would rather they leave me the **** alone.

  • sir82
    Her uncle molested her when she was just a child.
    > Her mother didn't believe her and said she was just wild.
    > She grew up in the Truth, has served Jehovah all her life.

    Interesting. So was the uncle a JW too? Perhaps an elder? Was she not believed because there were no eyewitnesses, and "who ya gonna believe - an 8-year-old kid or an elder appointed by Jehovah's holy spirit?"

    Of course, the target audience will never make that connection.

  • QuestioningEverything

    Yes, I got this 'encouraging' email from my friend. Some time ago, I would have been happy to get it and forwarded it on to others. Now, I just read about two lines of it and hit the DELETE button.

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