This is really bad. Hurl alert!!
Can we spot a lost sheep?
> She only comes on Sunday, and she usually is quite late.
> Is she baptized or inactive is the question for debate.
> Few people try to know her and some wonder and stare.
> No one tries to dig down deep to see who's really there.
> In her purse is a funeral program that is ragged around the ears.
> It's yellow and quite wrinkled and has been soaked with many tears.
> She's looked at it quite often and knows the resurrection hope.
> But she still mourns her daughter, and sometimes she can't cope.
> Many people wonder but no one ever made a call.
> She's one of the lost sheep sitting there, right in your Kingdom Hall.
> Her uncle molested her when she was just a child.
> Her mother didn't believe her and said she was just wild.
> Jehovah God has blessed her and now she has the Truth.
> But she still lives with all the scars of a stolen youth.
> They say she's moody and she's mean, so no one bothers to call.
> She's one of the lost sheep sitting there, right in the Kingdom Hall.
> She comes to all the meetings, to the field and mingles with the friends.
> But once she goes back home again, the heartache soon begins.
> She grew up in the Truth, has served Jehovah all her life.
> All she ever wanted was to be a Christian wife.
> Now she's past the bloom of youth. Her dreams have not come true.
> She's tempted and frustrated and scared of what she might do.
> You probably think she's strong and she doesn't need a call.
> But she's one of the lost sheep sitting there, right in your Kingdom Hall.
> When searching from door to door and bringing more sheep in,
> Don't forget all the sheep who are already in the pen.
> All of these are true stories of people at the Hall.
> Take some time and look closely and see who needs a call.
> We always remember the sick, the single parents and the old,
> But can we try to include still others in our fold?
> Remember that Jehovah doesn't want anyone to fall.
> And that there might be a lost sheep sitting in YOUR Kingdom Hall.
> Author Unknown