My Brother In Law just died tonight.

by AK - Jeff 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kenneson

    Sorry for your loss. But good for you that you attended everything, in spite

    of the fact that some of them avoid you.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    But good for you that you attended everything

    Yep - in about an hour is the funeral. I am going to the luncheon after too. I was hesitant, until I saw how mean they were to me yesterday - now, I could give a shit if they feel uncomfortable about my presence.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Wonderful that you were there for the family. The rest- I am glad they didn't intimidate you.
    Call if you need a friendly voice.

  • steve2

    Jeff - my heartfelt condolences. Good to see your wife's robust support of you - she sounds wonderful!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Thanx Steve2.

    Interestingly, when my wife is with me, she typically gets shunned as well. But when she is alone, they typically talk to her freely. Today was no exception. Mostly we were both shunned by the Jw's. One elder reached out at the gravesite when he thought no one would notice and kind of shook my hand. One guy, whom I knew to run around on his wife, lie and cheat at every moment, would not speak to me. My own MIL of now 35 years would not speak to me today.

    I decided that with the hatefulness that I experienced at the visitation Sunday, that I would give the gossips something to do with their spare time in the car in service this week. So I dug a rosary and crucifix out of my drawer [a gift] and wrapped it around my hand and carried it around the FH as I greeted and hugged the 'worldly' side of the family. All eyes were on the rosary, and I saw a few whispering. My wife overheard her self righteous sister lean over and tell my niece to 'take a look at what Jeff has in his hand'.

    During the prayer to Jehoober at the luncheon, I did not bow my head. I looked straight ahead respectfully. One 'sister' looked up to see if I was praying, then lowered her head and sort of giggled to herself [one of those self-righteous mocking laughs silently, if you know what I mean]. Right after, she leaned toward her brother [an uncle to the deceased] with whom I have been close friends for decades [he is no longer a Jw, but likely still believes], and said 'I need to speak with you' and nodded toward me. I thought, geez, I see this guy at funerals maybe once a decade, and rarely elsewise, and she needs to 'warn' him of my 'apostacy'.

    There were a few other instances, but you get the point. Oil could not have separated faster from water. But I had a chuckle or two myself, got to say my last respects to my old friend, and got to look the bastards in the eye and dare them to say a word. They didn't.

    All in all, I am very glad that I did not hold back, but attended and was myself. My wife got shunned a lot too, and I hated that, as technically she is still a faded Jw [though she detests the religion as much as I do].

    It will likely be a long while now before I have to do this again. Amen to that.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Well, here's to a long time between funerals.

    Maybe more of these same people will wake up and come out before too many more funerals.

    I am happy that you were able to find a way to entertain the JW's.

  • still_in74

    I shall sit... and recall the good times we had in the woods chasing deer or cutting wood for his fireplace.

    RIP old friend.

    words of unconditional love.

    Sorry for your loss....

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