So you want to fade quickly, and keep the elders off your back? Here's an easy way to do it:
1) Recruit a sympathetic friend - doesn't have to be an elder, heck, doesn't even have to be a JW - to pose as the secretary for the "XYZ" congregation.
2) Tell your congregation secretary you are moving to the "XYZ" congregation. "XYZ" should be a congregation either out of state, or at the very least far enough away that no one from your congregation will have ever heard of it. Make up a congregation name if you like.
3) A few weeks later, tell your friend to call your current congregation secretary and request your publisher cards and a letter of introduction. You may need to coach him a bit on what a "real" elder would sound like.
4) Publisher cards are supposed to be requested in writing, but in practice, 99% of the time the request is made via telephone. There is virtually never any verification whatsoever that either party is talking to a "real" congregation secretary - so long as the other person knows the lingo, it is just assumed to be the case.
5) Your cards should arrive to your friend's house a few weeks later. You can then destroy them or do whatever you like with them. From this point on, you are "off the JW grid" - no congregation is responsible for you, so it is quite unlikely that you would ever be DF (unless you are seen on TV attending a Satanic ritual or something equally attention-grabbing).
6) As an extra added bonus, you can read the letter of introductio to find out what your congregation elders really thought of you!
This works better if you really do move far away, and also works better if you don't have lots of nosy relatives "checking up" on you, but with care, it could work in even less than perfect circumstances.