A Sad Example of JW Brainwashing /Twisted Thinking

by puppylove 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • puppylove

    This is the Instant Message conversation I had with my sister in law on Friday. It makes me so sad because I think that she in her heart recognizes the truth of what I am saying, but then the JW brainswashing takes over and she just stops thinking.

    Sorry it's so long!!


    C: you are very special to me.
    C: i love you deeply

    D: and you are to me

    C: and dearly
    C: i don't want to discuss religon with you...

    D: then you have to make sure not to ask me questions about religion, or how i feel about this or that

    C: or you offering how you feel about religon.
    C: i cant change the way you feel, and i respect the decsion that you have made.

    D: then i guess that will go both ways, you don't need to share any wt things with me

    C:i will never give up that someday you will come back to Jehovah's organization. but that does not change the fact that you have made your feelings very clear.
    C: im just not sure where we go from here?

    D: and i will never stop praying that you leave them.
    D: it's really up to you
    D: i have a lot to share with you
    D: on a day to day basis
    D: if you only talk to me in hopes that someday i change my mind, then we don't have anything to talk about
    D: if you talk to me to be my friend, then we have a lot to talk about

    C: i don't know where to go with this.
    C: it hurts me deeply to see that you attack jehovah's organization.
    C: i know that i love you very much.

    D: i don't mean to hurt you. i just wish that you would research using non-jw info - research jehovah's witnesses
    D: the TRUTH should be able to stand up to any scruntiny

    C: you see i dont need to because i did that before i dedicated my life to jehovah.
    C: i research the truth.

    D: what exactly did you read that was not printed by the witnesses?

    C: i don't need any other information, i have read it all.

    D: i'm sorry, i don't understand your answer to my question

    C: jehovahs wittness live there life according to the scriptures, can you say that about any other religon.
    C: do any other religons go to war?

    D: no, i can't. actually, i can't say that about witnesses either
    D: however,....
    D: what did you read that was not printed by witnesses?

    C: i have read much lituature from former jehovah's witnesses.
    C: there views on religon...

    D: really? what

    C: how they were treated there beliefs in regards to the faithful and discreet slaves.
    C: slave.
    C: remember when i came in to the truth ******* was disfellwoshiped.
    C: so i did my research.

    D: i'm not trying to be mean, but i wondered if we have read the same things. do you remember what they were?

    C: no i don't that was a very long time ago,

    D: i see
    D: it's strange, most of the people that i know of who read the history of jw's (not printed by jw's) end up leaving the organization
    D: i was embarrased by some of the things i read.
    D: ashamed that i belonged to that religion
    D: i guess you didn't read anything like that

    C: much of what i understood was alot of bitterness.. oh no i remember alot of information on the blood issue. what i thouht of it was people who did not want to be seperate from the world.

    D: no, i'm talking about the vaccinations stuff in the awakes
    D: all of the stuff they said about women

    C: submission?

    D: how they used to disfellowship a woman who was raped if "no one heard her scream"
    D: this changed back and forth about 4 times
    D: they used to say that vaccinations were "pus"
    D: aluminum pots were bad
    D: i could go on and on
    D: embarrassing

    C: and i am sure you could.. but am not embarrassed to be one of Jehovah's wittnesses, i am proud...

    D: you are proud of the things i just told you?

    C: yes i am proud even after the things you told me, because your information comes from those who have left the organaiztion, because there bitter, many views have changed because of jehovah god timetable.

    D: no actually, my information comes from old copies of the awakes and watchtowers!! LOL

    C: yes and many things will change again and again....when we recieve information from the faithful and discreet slave, and i am perfectly ok with that.

    D: how can an organization claim to be from god, that god is giving them light, then change their minds on something?
    D: does god change his mind?
    D: is there some reason he would want people to die, be disfellowshipped, etc, and then change his mind about it?
    D: did you know that until about 3 weeks ago, the WT was an affiliate member of the UN?
    D: how can this be with what the WT teaches?
    D: you see, it all doesn't add up

    C: and you know this information how?

    D: about the UN?

    C: yes

    D: saw a scan of the application and the letter the UN wrote saying that the WT had cancelled it membership
    D: there was also a couple of newspapers articles about it.
    D: bethel had a press release about it in the UK

    C: oh i cant do this anymore................... i am not saying this informtion is incorrect or correct i am just so tired.

    D: well, this just kills me too

    C: why don't you guys just disassociate yourselfs.

    D: why should we?
    D: i don't play by their rules anymore

    C: so if your this bitter disassociate yourselfs.

    D: i'm not bitter
    D: i just wish all those i love and care about would get out of that religion

    C: so then disassociate yourselfs if you feel this way about it.

    D: right now you are being like most other witnesses, closemided. not even willing to examine some of the things i just told you

    C: i don't care what you have to say about the things you told me.
    C: i don't care one bit.

    D: you don't care one bit about what?

    C: about the things you told me regarding your research..
    C: its crap to me.
    C: crap

    D: that's too bad. i only pray that one day you will

    C: bs

    D: even the UN stuff?
    D: is bs?

    C: crap
    C: crap
    C: crap
    C: does that tell you how i feel about it.
    C: crap
    C: it means nothing to me.
    C: nothing
    C: at all

    D: well, i guess you are better at rationalizing and swallowing your conscience than i am

    C: well what does your dad say about your feelings?

    D: i told my dad that i don't believe it's the truth anymore
    D: it makes him sad.
    D: but he is my father and he STILL LOVES ME
    D: just like a father should

    C: what are you implying?
    C: just like a father should?

    D: that most natural feeling parents don't turn away from their kids
    D: just because they don't share the same religious beliefs

    C: do you think b**** has done this? (B**** is my hubby's mom)

    D: yes

    C: maybe you should research your own heart.
    C: see two sides
    C: not one

    D: what do you mean

    C: maybe you should examine the loss that everyone feels now that you have made this choice.

    D: i see both sides, i understand the jw mind-set

    C: the hurt the saddness the tears the heartache the pain.

    D: the religion forces family members apart
    D: i was raised in it remember?

    C: no they don't

    D: yes, it separates families

    C: no it does not.
    C: the people who leave make that seperation.
    C: not the religon.

    D: no, they don't
    D: if it was not for the religion, families would not be against one another
    D: it doens't happen in other religions

    C: its like the book of revelation the dog returns to vomit.

    D: excuse me?

    C: jehovahs organization cleanse's the congergation..

    D: doens't it make you sad to look at your co-workers and know that (based on your beliefs) God is going to kill them all?

    D: all the children

    C: yes all the children.

    D: every other non-jw person on earth
    D: were you sad then WTC collapsed?
    D: more people are going to die than that, according to your religion

    C: yes i was very sad, but we know that time and unforscence accurance will befall many.

    D: all those hemophillacs who died before the "slave" said it was okay to have blood fractions
    D: or before it was okay to have vaccines
    D: or organ transplants

    C: ok i have to stop now because this is making me sick to my stomach....

    D: okay, it should make you sick

    C: your making me sick.
    C: sick to my stomach.

    D: because you choose not to think about it
    D: and i am sad because you are going through your life BELIEVING this

    C: don't be sad for me i have the truth,,,,,,,,

    D: i am, i'm sad for you, me and everyone

    C: well in closing no b**** loves *****
    C: very much

    D: can't tell it by me

    C: well i know she does........

    Thats pretty much the end of the conversation. She hasn't sent me any more instant messages

  • Fredhall

    I wander who being brainwashed by Satan?

  • individuals wife
    individuals wife

    So very, very sad. And so, so frustrating - it's like hitting your head against a brick wall isn't it? I just hope and pray that conversations like these put little seeds of doubt in peoples minds and they are encouraged to look into these things for themselves, not just to believe everything churned out by the organisation.

    The sad thing is that a just over a year ago I would have most probably shared her sentiments and responses, thank goodness I took it upon myself to open my eyes, become better informed, investigate my worries and concerns and I finally saw what the organisation was really about. I hope that this happens for your sister in law, it happened to me and I was pioneering at the time, very zealously too, so I thought... it could happen to her too. Don't give up hope.

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    You are right on the money. My sis is the same way and she saw a Apostate Care Package before she started studying again, after being df, married three times. Now she is drawing hubby number three into the mess and I am patiently awaiting his reaction when he finds out that SHE is supposed to be his serf. The stupidity of my family is overwhelming and after the UN expose they don't call or e-mail me at all.

  • Billygoat

    Man oh man, puppylove. My heart aches. Mostly because I've been in that conversation with my parents. It really is like hitting your head on a brick wall. I wish I could make all this pain go away for all of us.

    IW - I'm glad your out hon! Stories like your give me hope!

    Rexxy - Serf? Bwahahahahaha! That's good!


  • ianao
    C: your making me sick.
    C: sick to my stomach.

    Typical mindset. Everything is anything's fault but their own. They aren't even responsible for their own lives. Like little children who refuse to grow up.

  • moman

    Damm pup, thats so frustrating! The "Dub mind-set" iz a tough thing to overcome.
    You really did a good job of exposing their B/S, but brainwashing iz just that BRAINWASHING!
    Maybe, if you get another chance, you could focas on what its like to experience real FREEDOM of thought etc. good luck!

  • Simon

    Sounds like some of the conversations I had with my Mum.

    As soon as you have 'won' the argument it is switched or becomes "well, I don;t want to talk about it anymore"


  • willy_think

    hi puppylove,
    i've been there i know it herts. can't you just imagin them saying
    "i love big brother. i love big brother. i love............"

  • yrs2long

    Reading this made me feel sick. I could have written this conversation and where it lead without knowing either of you. It's the same drivel everytime.

    Recently, I have been trying a different tact. I never initiate a conversation about religion and when they do so I only tell about how badly I was treated in the religion. NO one in my family can deny this nor do they try. Instead they say, well Jehovah didn't do it. To which I reply, neither did he stop it. How does he determine how much you can bear? Obviously, he didn't stop it when I could bear it no longer as the scripture says so now I am out. Then I morph into other things I have since found out which keep me out now that I no longer have to face those other hideous elders who wronged me. I then include things that were done to other family members. After all, by their fruits you will know them says la biblia.

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