Has anyone been affected by the poor economy?

by heyfea 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dismembered

    No complaints here. Americans still love their cars.


  • crapola

    So far so good, but I have a cleaning business so if anyone does get layed off, it will be me.

    Oh well, have to hope for the best!

  • SacrificialLoon

    Not personally yet, but I've been squirreling away extra money into savings, and cut back on non essential spending.

  • heyfea

    I'm happy for all those who's lifestyles are still the same.

    A few months ago a co-worker of mine implied to me that a lot of people out there were making too much of a deal about the bad economy; that things were still the same for her. Now things changed for her too, possibly. We got a memo last week with the bad news about the layoffs. One bad economic move, touches so many lives. In this case, there were many bad moves, greedy moves.( Real estate, investment fiascos)

    I bought my house 13 years ago at a cheap price compared to what's worth today. Our mortgage is shared with my in-laws, so each family pays half. Our share is only $940 a month. That's not bad at all. What I'm worried about is being out of work, both my hubby and I. Then paying the mortgage will be difficult.

    The only little luxuries we give ourselves now a days is to occasionaly order out, Pizza, Gyros, and from time to time, Sushi. McDonalds once in a blue moon, only because is not too healthy.

    My 17 yo son will finish high school in May. He's going to a prep school and once he graduates, we plan to put that money into savings. That's if we still have the same income. Of course, my son will be looking for a job soon. I only pray that he can find work with some sort of health benefits. He will no longer be qualified to be included in my health insurance once he turns 18 in May. I tell you, my worries are never ending.But as many of you expressed, my family is not the only one. We all have to hope for the best. May all of you get through this hard times, even with little, but with enough to live with dignity. May God accompany us at all times.

  • Quandry

    My husband is down to a four day work week. I guess we should be happy he still has a job. I don't make much as a teacher's aide. I do not fear for my job yet.

    Hope things get better for all soon.

  • Finally-Free

    So far I'm ok, but for some unknown reason I tend to go on spending sprees every time the economy goes to hell.

    Just doing my part to boost the economy I guess. I hope it doesn't bite me in the ass.


  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    My husband is in the construction industry and I'm in real estate, so we are definitely affected. My hours at work (office manager) have been cut in half as there are no sales coming in. My husband switched from new building to renovations a couple of years ago so he does have work but he's not making as much money.

    My goal is to live in within my means, however humble and not finance a lifestyle I cannot afford with credit cards. I try to keep going out and new purchases to a bare minimum. However, when one has trouble making rent, gas or groceries, then times are tough.

    Oh, and heafey, I have occassionally eaten in some very expensive restaurants, but a couple of hundered dollars on lunch? Either you have a huge family or you are lunching at some pretty pricey places! Time to scale down, as eating out is the biggest waste of money there is imo.

  • BurnTheShips

    Unemployed sine 12/18. I start a new job on Monday but it is part-time.


  • LockedChaos

    Uneffected yet

    Feel for those who are

    Been down that road myself

    a few years ago

    Right now though

    It's a great buyers market

    One's loss is anothers gain

  • undercover

    I haven't been affected as much as some people I know. Our income is down over the last year or so, but we've tightened our belts enough to overcome it. We were spending too much on non-essentials and travel. We just have to cut back a bit. I had planned on a new truck this year. I'll just have to do with my old car for a couple more years.

    My job is safe (or as safe as any job can be) but our work load is down...(thus the excessive time spent here some days).

    I know things aren't good for a lot of people, but we've been lucky. I just hope the luck holds out.

    I've got some relatives that are out of work and lost their home. Compared to them, I've got it made right now.

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