This is a very funny post Oomph...The house I used to live in had two older ladies in it. They were mother and daughter..both from Germany and tough. They had been through a lot. Well the mother got Ill and the daughter had to take care of her..eventually the mother died. She was probably in her 90's.
That left the daughter alone which was probably by now in her late 70's. Well her mind must have been going because one day she came over and knocked on my door..this really surprised me as she rarely ever went outdoors. I did get behind her driving her car home from the store I guess.. in what looked like the old Edsel..just styled like one..
She was hugging the curb like that was the only way she could tell where she was going and she must have been doing 5 in a 25 MPH zone. She made it around a corner to my amazement and parked her car in her garage. She would enter the house through the garage so we hardly ever saw her. Her sister used to live accross the street from us but I think she must have moved ..leaving this daughter alone.
So to get to the I said..she knocked on my door..she wanted to know if I heard the news..I said "no... why?"..she said we were being invaded by wood spiders..she wanted to know how to get rid of she just knew she had some. Well I could tell that something just wasn't right about her but tried to humour her..she asked if I had any bug spray she could use to kill I went and got some..she left and I closed the door.
After she left I was thinking "I hope the poor dear doesn't spray it in her face and hurt herself..
A few months later I heard from a neighbor that she had died alone in her house sitting in her chair and she had been dead for a few days...and no one knew. We thought the sister was keeping in touch but apparently something also happened to the sister and the poor woman died all alone..
Snoozy..who doesn't think this is a funny story but admits after the lady left she did giggle a lot about the spiders..and hoped someday she would not become that way.