Should women be allowed to have 14 kids without job?

by sammielee24 280 Replies latest jw friends

  • ex-nj-jw

    If a woman wants to have 14 babies; her uterus hanging from her vagina and a belly flap down to her knees fine with me. I'm not sure on this but I thought that welfare no longer pays per child. You get a certain amount of money no matter how many kids you have.

    At least thats how it is for my sister, she thought she could keep pop'n out kids and just live off welfare. They cut her ass off after the 2nd one she got no more money and had to go to work to keep that. It didn't stop her from pop'n out kids but she's not making a living off welfare.

    I didn't see anything in the article about her getting public assistance not even food stamps, was that in there and I missed it?

    Oh and the Duggers, their older children are raising the younger one's. I watched the show the other day when the older girls went to help get Josh and Anna ready for their wedding, and the parents were loosing it trying to take care of all those little ones by themselves. I think it was the father that made the statement about not knowing how the girls do it all day!

    I'll be she has one hell of a belly flap too

  • quietlyleaving

    At least the story ought to keep a couple of newspapers and TV news shows in circulation for a few years.

    as for the tummy flap - I'm willing to bet that she has already had her tummy tucked

  • blondie

    I worked in child support for some time and saw men that had fathered 14 children, without ever marrying any of the mothers, and had little monetary to give to support them since they could not hold a job or would not. Let's be fair folks, being an irrresponsible parent cuts both ways.


  • sammielee24

    I agree with equal time Blondie - which does get back at my argument about what the definition of 'plural' marriages really is equal to todays approach to relationships and children.

    To be fair however, in this instance, we aren't talking about 14 kids born of 5 different women at different times to one man - in which both parties are showing a tremendous lack of responsibility - the issue really was about the ethics of a doctor implanting 8 embryo's into a woman, thereby exposing her and those babies to the possibility of extreme danger or death, and the responsibility of the woman in demanding it be done, at a time when she already had 6 little kids to take care of, no home, no job and with the knowledge that the procedure could cost her not only in financial terms but in physical and emotional terms.

    I do agree that there are people already having kids that most likely should wait until they are mature and can handle the responsibility but then again, on the other hand, I'm the one that can't figure out why anybody should have kids while they support a religion that demands loyalty to them first and the child second. sammieswife.

  • quietlyleaving

    I'm the one that can't figure out why anybody should have kids while they support a religion that demands loyalty to them first and the child second. sammieswife.

    she is a JW? well I'll be damned

  • purplesofa

    If a woman wants to have 14 babies;
    her uterus hanging from her vagina and a belly flap down to her knees
    fine with me.

    Kinda hitting below the belt here!

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I think someone wanting to go through this proceedure should have to qualify for it like someone who wants to adopt a child. Shouldn't there be a paper trail showing that you were financially and mentally able to handle what could happen?

  • beksbks

    What's really unfortunate, is that it appears to be a case of if you have the money to do it, you've got it. Like plastic surgery, if you want to keep going until you look like a freak (think Michael Jackson or the Cat Woman), as long as you can pay for it........... It does seem as though there should be regulations on this fertility business, because there is an innocent possible victim involved.

  • dinah

    If I had 14 kids, I'd be like Cameron Diaz at the end of "Very Bad Things".

  • Priest73

    No comment.

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