No, JD. He was just an arrogant prick who prolly beat the wife he had back home.
What have you got against arrogant pricks?
by IP_SEC 95 Replies latest jw friends
No, JD. He was just an arrogant prick who prolly beat the wife he had back home.
What have you got against arrogant pricks?
You use your words like an (anagram)
Sorry, watching Jeopardy.
You got a few days?
It's just that, on this board, I can express my frustration with the nay sayers shitting on a two week old presidency.
Dude, it is a two-week old presidency trying to ram the biggest shit sandwich in history down our throats. It isn't going to fix anything. You've got everyone screaming the sky is falling to justify every piece of crap on their agenda. The same thing happened with the Bush-Paulson bailouts that started the latest chapter of this clusterfuck, but at least Bush was on his way out.
We need some serious changes.
Sure we do, none of the ones I am seeing are the ones we need!
Lend a constructive hand or get the fuck out of the way and eat the dust as the future passes you by. It'll give you more to sit there and complain about.
Fuck that, I am not going anywhere. So bitch and moan about my intransigence. There will be more and more people like me as time goes on unless things change radically. That is a fucking guarantee and you can call me on it.
Our mouths are chock full o' shit. Damn that sounds like some bad coffee.......
BTS, in seriousness. What would you do right now, if you were in charge?
BTS, in seriousness. What would you do right now, if you were in charge?
I would restore legality and legitimacy by bringing the Federal Government back into legal compliance with the US Constitution. This would naturally tend to correct so many ills that there are too many to list here. It makes my head fairly swim.
If Obama is indeed as crooked as they come, I think he at least has the virtue of intellect and the ability to handled nuanced, shades of gray issues.
A smart crook knows how to fuck you over better.
I would restore legality and legitimacy by bringing the Federal Government back into legal compliance with the US Constitution. This would naturally tend to correct so many ills that there are too many to list here. It makes my head fairly swim.
Well that was a convoluted bunch of nothing. What would you DO?
Let him get impeached when he makes his attempt to seize control of the nation or take all your wealth and redistribute it to those who refuse to work. At that point, I will officially declare him incompetent, and request his immediate removal from office.
And that goes for any president--once they create problems where none existed, and then use the same problems to indebt people (usually by offering the "solution" to same problems), they have proven themselves worthless as rulers.