Check out the website against the Palin practice of aerial killing. It's the one good thing that's come out of her campaign - people are aware of what she believes in and what she practices.
The website is
by sammielee24 28 Replies latest jw friends
Check out the website against the Palin practice of aerial killing. It's the one good thing that's come out of her campaign - people are aware of what she believes in and what she practices.
The website is
Didnt read the website but GOVERNMENT trappers working for the wildlife dpt have been using aerial killing for decades to control predators. I knew many brothers who worked for the dpt and hunted predators from planes and helicoptors.
Somebody needs to drop these folks into the Alaskan back country without a gun and let them see how cuddly and sweet these wolves are.
One Man's Slaughter is Another Man's "Wildlife Management"
Palin Derangement Syndrome at its finest.
Meanwhile, the economy is sinking further into the abyss.
Aerial (as well as other forms) of predator control are used in many states. Texas is probably #1. They just find a cause that will piss off brainless followers and run with it.
Ashely Judd indeed. Who gives a shit what she thinks. Let her act.
Idiots. Let them live on the edge of the wilderness and have to eat meat to survive where there are too many wolves. There is an overpopulation of wolves in some parts of the country, moose is food for many people, and the hunting only takes 2-300 animals a year. If I had the cash, I'd pony up for a shot. Far greater numbers of deer get taken in the lower 48 by shooting.
Mmmmmmm. Wolves. . . .
There's a big difference between government conservation agents using aerial control methods for predators, and aerial SPORT hunting. It's all about ethics. As a hunter I think it's pretty cheesy to shoot an animal from a helicopter, state agent or sport hunter.
In our state fur trappers are allowed to trap otter underwater so that the means of death for the animal is drowning. Perfectly legal, yet highly unethical. Drowning an animal or shooting it from a helicopter says a lot about the type of hunter you are. The type of hunter you are says a lot about what kind of person you are.
To single someone out for demonization when it is a very common practice in many states unethical too.
I see no connection between drowning an animal and shooting an animal from a helicopter. Please enlighten me.
Mmm, pork.