Here there is a great battle jws do against Baptists on the topic of $ and the root of evil. They go to great lengths to brag about how much "more correct" they are than Christendom because the scrip says "love of money", not "money".
Then they whisper against fellow dubs who have money.
Once when I was a poor pioneer, I saved enough to buy a new car (cheapest 4-door car available, $7000). A lazy slob of a woman let her precious snowflake leave his bottle in my car and it stained. I gave her back the bottle and politely mentioned it had spilled. Instead of apologizing, I was quickly in trouble for materialism. Big drama.
And I don't like Ayn Rand or however her name is spelled. Can't put my finger on it but she rubs me the wrong way every time.
That is all. Carry on.