50,000 disfellowshipped, 30,000 reinstated

by Gladring 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mkr32208

    I would bet that seekers numbers are pretty close...

  • moshe

    I was an elder for almost 5 years and I recall only one Df'd person who got reinstated and then they faded out anyway. Going two steps back and then one forward, will still eventually put the WT Org over the cliff.

  • watson

    I think Besty's numbers are close.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Thats actually lower then I would have expected. According to Jack Barr in 2005, it was about 70,000 a year DF'd, and half that reinstated.....

  • besty

    course DF/DA is but a sideshow compared to the main ring of the circus:

    faders + JW kids that never get baptised

    costing them 150,000 warm bodies a year or twice the number of DF's

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Amoung my family and friends that are close enough for me to know their disfellowshipping history, the reinstatement rate is 75%. That will go down when I get disfellowshipped (again) as I won't be coming back next time.

    I also made a list of all the marriages and divorces I knew of amoung my closest family and associates and the divorce rate was 60%, the same as in the rest of Canada. So much for the "three-fold cord" making the marriage stronger.

  • TheOldHippie

    1% die, 1 % are df'ed, 2 % fade, makes a 4 % loss annually. Around half of the df'ed ones return after a while, and approximately the same proportion of the faders.

  • WTWizard

    Even one reinstatement is one too many.

  • SaltaDoom

    This is what de wt said about how many are disfellowshipped each year.


    w94 4/1 p. 16 par. 8 Are You Resisting the Spirit of the World? ***

    Yet, each year about 40,000 individuals are disfellowshipped from Jehovah’s organization. Why? In many cases because of these selfsame unclean practices.

  • willyloman

    "Why? In many cases because of these selfsame unclean practices."

    Dubspeak for "nobody ever leaves the organization unless they are immoral."

    In reality, people leave for many reasons - they get tired of the routine, they get "stumbled" by rampant hypocrisy, they see through the whole scam, they find Jesus, they meet someone who talks sense to them, they realize the JW "program' doesn't really produce the desired results, they grow up, and so on...

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