Is america then responsible for the palestinian holocaust?
by sammielee24 21 Replies latest jw friends
Is america then responsible for the palestinian holocaust?
Is america then responsible for the palestinian holocaust?
If the Bush administration had been critical they would have stopped.
There is a large Zionist movement in the US. However, this country is owned mainly by the Chinese.
Some think so, others not so. Hard to say. One thing to consider is the incident with the USS Liberty and then ponder if any other nation could slide by with something like that. Most any nation that acts like Israel is considered a rogue nation or terror state.
Then, of course, there's the jewish neocons that drummed you guys into the iraq war. That would be funny too, if it wasn't so tragic.
Wow, I didn't know Bush was a Jew! I learn something new everyday.
I suspect that if one is controlling the other, it is America that is controlling Israel.
This is why Israel invaded Gaza just as Bush was going out of office. They knew it was the only time they could get away with it.
Every corporation on the planet pretending to be an autonomous government is in control of the evil ones. By 'evil ones' Im not talking about Israel or the Zionist. These are puppets too.
Who are the evil ones, IPSEC?
It is true BTS, some of them happen to be Jews but their power doesnt come from their genetics, banks, or pretend religion. It comes from our ignorance/indolence.
Wow, I didn't know Bush was a Jew!
Why, his name is Jewrge Bush. ;-)