Anybody want

by mikepence 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • mikepence

    The recent UN scandal and the departure of some dear friends and loved ones from the borg inspired me to get off the ground. I always dreamed of a site like that, but I don't think that I have the will to keep running it.

    In our first month, we had nearly 20,000 hits. Kent, Simon, Randy and several other XJW's with single name status helped along the way. Thank you.

    For me, getting on with life, and getting back to thinking about the ex-JW thing much less often is what I desire. Like the death of a dear friend, it never really goes away, though.

    Our life is rich with helping young people from difficult circumstances make a go of it. Time is tight, and takes more mental bandwidth...blah blah blah.

    Anyway, if anyone wants to take over the site, speak up!


    XJW User Submitted News & Views at

  • larc


    I understand your situation. In 1996, I wrote 150 pages of draft material for a book I planed to write, called, The Psychology of Jehovah's Witnesses. At that point, I found that the project percipitated more negative emotions that I wanted in my life. Furthermore, I realized that to finish it, I would have to spend about another year of detailed research and constant reading of new JW material. I really did not want to spend that kind of time reading Watchtowers.

    I have a similiar offer to Mike's. I know there are some good writers here. Anyone who wants to finish the draft and coauthor a book, please e mail me and I will send you the manuscript.

  • DIM

    i can totally see where you are coming from Mike. Thats sort of the reason why I don't post here as much....the more I dwell on stuff the more depressed and insane I feel. I'm just trying to get on w/ my life and free my mind. We are moving into our new apt. in Seattle on March 1st, which means we start our journey out west on Feb. 22nd. Hoping to visit you in Arizona sometime next year....hope it works otu for you.

    i'm sick and tired of hearing things from uptight-short-sighted-narrow minded hypocritics. all i want is the truth just gimme some truth - John Lennon

  • nowaytess

    I maybe interseted in it, but I would need to know if you want to keep it as it is.

    You been on my club before, but I don't think you agree with the principles of it. I remember you verbally disagreeing with my club's introduction and left not understanding what it is all about.

    I would change your board to reflect the Born-Again Chrsitan slant.

    I think one of the reason why you board is not sucessful is because of the Bob Marley, marajania issues. It may appeal to the few, but won't keep the going in the long run. The image the board is presenting is one most Jehovah's Witnesses and XJWS are not comfortalbe with.

    A poll asking if Pot smoking should be legal for adults? How do you think an XJW who still has a Godly sense feel about it?

    <A HREF= </A>

  • Naeblis

    Oh shut up :P Go ahead and do your weed poll, you might be surprised. Anyways, I think your site is great Mike and no way "not successful" You've come a long way in a short time. I wish I had the time (and the web skills) to take care of it. I'm sure you'll find someone.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Nowaytess, if your gonna run a board on anything youd better learn to write and spell first,but Im sure our buddy would rather burn his site to the ground than turn his baby over to a fundy nut like you.

  • mikepence
    A poll asking if Pot smoking should be legal for adults? How do you think an XJW who still has a Godly sense feel about it?

    I feel just fine about it. My God allows asking questions.

    I am sorry that you left one religious view that forbids asking questions and dove into another one that is just as restrictive.

    Go away.

    XJW User Submitted News & Views at

  • ISP

    I actually think you are better off with fewer but stronger sites. The XJW resources in terms of personnel etc can be diluted if there are too many sites.


  • nowaytess

    I am sorry you feel the way you do. It is very sad though.

    I don't think anyone will be picking up the board though. You not just a good markerter.

    Even though my ministry is a CHRISTIAN BASED ONE, I also had to do my reaseach, and learned how to gear it towards my goals and my target audince. You failed to do both to be effective.

    YOu have to have dedication and drive boith which you board lacks.

    I been doing this for a long time even when the Internet was nto avalible. WhenI started my own club I set realistic goals. I was bless by Jesus not only for my hard work, but also for fearing it towards his purpose.

    I don't find my religious beliefs very restritive. I find them very liberating. God loves us and gives us his principles and guidence for our own good.

    YOu will never find the peace y ou are seeing even though you are no longer a JW. Smoking Pot wil only give a temporary relief from the deep pain of rejection you feel from the Watchtower.

    <A HREF= </A>

  • mommy

    I understand what you are saying, I can't imagine having the responsibility of a site. I think you have done a great job on it though, and I am sure you will find someone. Just ride it out until you do, please don't shut it down completely.

    Are you serious? Judging and condemnation is not a christian trait is it? Oh yes it is, that is why I am no longer a christian, and the reason I will never become a christian again is because of people like you. You speak out both sides of your mouth Tess, and it is obvious to all.

    SO jesus blessed you huh? And what about all of those he does not bless? Reminds me of the twin towers and the christians who praised jah for getting them out, leaving behind thousands of other christians to die of suffocation, or burned alive by fire.

    I have often visited exjw's sites, I am not sure if I have seen yours. I will tell you though I would not jump from one high control group into another, so your site would not interest me. As a matter of fact of stay away from anyone who feels they have the "truth."

    As far as maryjane goes, I knew a preacher in Florida who would "roll it up" for everyone to partake after the services. His church was very succesful, and some of the most openminded, non judgemental christians I had met worshipped there. They weren't hiding from any pain, just having a good time together, enjoying as it says in Genesis, every herb of the ground.

    When I leave, you will know I have been here

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