Hello to all, can I have a moment of your time? Thanks!! from Truth and Justice

by Truth and Justice 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    Welcome to the board T&J. You're a very eloquent writer and I look forward to reading more of your posts.


  • only me
    only me

    Hi Truth and Justice

    Thanks for sharing your story with us. One of the things that first pened up my eyes was seeing people put through such pain for following their own conscience.

    My family is fractured too, I'm hoping that some day we will be reunited.

    Thank you for the scripture from Jeremiah, I never thought of it that way. Maybe I can use it with my husband.

  • Quandry

    You said (so eloquently),

    In conclusion, I have gained happiness and a peace of mind, by being free, free to think, using my conscience without all the restrictive orders from a body of just men. As it is said, in Eze. 34:27-"And they will have to know that I am Jehovah when I break the bars of their yoke and I have delivered them out of the hand of those who had been using them as slaves."

    So happy that you have gained that happiness. Surely your sister needed help and love to overcome her problem, not isolation from any love. That organization does their best to kick people when they are down. You did what you could to help someone you loved.

    I am wondering how your sister is now?

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Welcome to the board...or rather a belated welcome and thank you for opening up to us with your story! There are ALWAYS people who read these boards and garner help from our experiences. What you experienced first hand was the LACK of love within that organization. It isnt LOVE when people are subjected to sanctions and rejection if they speak to their family members. It only shows how VERY far removed this cult is from God. Theirs or any other God.

    Who would have them??

  • hubert

    Welcome to the forum, TJ.

    Your post was well written, and your love for your family/sister is more important than the false teachings of the Watchtower.

    Although it hurts, you chose your sister over these falsehoods. I hope more of your family wake up in time.

    How does your sister feel about your sticking up for her? Maybe it will help her to find her way out, too.


  • DaCheech

    same as black sheep here.... welcome

  • Robdar

    Welcome, Truth & Justice. I believe this discussion forum will help complete your healing process. It helped me.

  • parakeet

    Truth and Justice: "...... I just did not know how to put my thoughts on paper, especially when millions of people will read what I have written."

    Don't let that thought scare you off, T&J. There's a little counter in the upper right corner of the screen. So far, only 235 people have checked out this post. So, from number 235 (me): "Welcome to the forum."

  • BizzyBee

    Welcome T & J,

    Good job and thanks for telling your story. After many years free from the bondage of the WT, I still feel a surge of anger at the way others have been treated by their fellowmen, under the guidance of the WTS. So much unnecessary heartache they have caused...........

  • Truth and Justice
    Truth and Justice


    To those of you who responded, I want to say "Thank you!!", great comments, you all sound like good people.

    Hubert - in answer to your question, she is doing well, and has always appreciated what I did for her. Thanks!

    Parakeet - very nice thought!, never did consider a clicker in the corner.

    Take care!! Truth and Justice

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