Or, a third option. Throw an obese man standing beside you onto the tracks and save everyone but the fat guy. . .
A Moral dilemma........
by Hope4Others 53 Replies latest jw friends
Or, a third option. Throw an obese man standing beside you onto the tracks and save everyone but the fat guy. . .
Are you volunteering John?
AK - Jeff
I would pull the lever as the train moves over the switch, creating a void in the tracks that would cause the train to derail before it switched. Well, at least I tried to find a way to save them all. If it fails, then someone will die anyway.
This problem discredits the (unconditional) non-aggression principle.
Posting so I can read this page.............OUTLAW
Ok, the train has no passengers....you obviously work for the rail line you are on the platform see the train coming....you are too far to warn the
people of the on coming danger all you have is the leaver....and a choice.....
the train remember will automatically hit the 3 people no way around it.....unless you pull the leaver.....whether the one guy on the safe track yells
or not who knows.....
3 Stupid people are on an unsafe train track..1 Smart person is on a safe train track.....Should I kill 1 smart person,so 3 stupid people can live?....The 3 stupid people will probably find another way to kill themselves,if they live......Let them all live or die,by the choices they have made.............................OUTLAW
Damn!! I thought this thread was about morels....
Posting so I can read this page.............OUTLAW