Local Needs Parts.....

by AK - Jeff 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    There was a local needs talk and many pointed comments about higher education when I went back to school (I was the only one there going to college). A friend of ours said why don't they just say your name while they are at it? Of course my parents accused me of being self involved and paranoid. I consider it an honor now, and look at me now. They were right!

  • Quandry


    Well, yes, now that you ask. There were talks at the Hall we used to go to about those not "accepting counsel" and "challenging authority"-as in that of the elders. Yes, yes. My husband and I are daaaaannnngerous!!

    Why? Because we did take issue with five men telling our beautiful, shy sixteen year old daughter that she was filth in God's eyes, and would burn in the fire with the devil and his angels. She would not admit to fornication, which she did not commit, no one had accused her of, and there was no proof of. In fact, as her friends testified, she was never alone with the boy. They of course did not let that stop them-they made her read scriptures that compared her to Annanias and Saphira, Korah, and anyone else they could think of while continuously berating her and insisting that "something must have happened" because, as the chairman of the JC committee said, "When I was a teenager, I would have tried something." Then, when she still told them nothing happened, they called her a liar. Oh, and then disfellowshipped her with the statement, "And if you are still disfellowshipped when Armageddon comes, you can take some comfort in knowing that Jehovah can read hearts."

    This was almost four years ago. Not one has ever inquired since if she is alive or dead. If you are wondering how she is now, she is, after months of therapy and constant reassurance from her dad and I, an Honor college student on the President's list, studying Biology. She does not smoke, seldom takes a drink, and is a joy to us both.

    My husband was an elder for twenty years. I was the dutiful elder's wife; quiet and subdued. Now we are, unarmed and in our fifties, DANGEROUS!!

    Kinda funny, when we think about it.

  • WTWizard

    Looking and acting happy at the a$$emblies was a must--though they did nothing to fix the problems leading to unhappiness. That was when I wish I would have told them that, unless I started attracting the opposite sex so I wouldn't have to merely pretend to be happy, that I would simply turn apostate on the spot and post the whole talk right on the Internet with AOL.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Yknot - Wow, that's especially cruel. A 9 year old with "independent thinking"? Absurd.

    Quandry - It almost sounds to me that they were using your daughter to hurt your husband. I've never personally experienced that sort of BOE politics but have seen it happen in other places. What awful men they were to do that to a young girl. Glad to hear she's thriving!!

    Jeff - You wonder what they're so afraid of? I guess they got tired of talking about important things like what kind of dress and grooming is acceptable to God or beating up everyone for not making enough meetings or going out in FS? Got to mix in the "beware of the evil apostate" talk to keep things lively!

    I started to say that I couldn't remember anything like this happening, but come to think of it, I can remember several times where they've been directed at individuals. Usually, they were when someone was df'ed or reproved. So much for keeping the information confidential.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    My to Ynot and Quandry. Unbelievable! Yet I know it happens all the time.

    I have a friend now, who by coincidence used to live right next to the KH in the 70's. [I didn't know him then and was an active Jw at the time.] He tells me that he vividly recalls a young girl who came to the fence and spoke with him about being 'shunned' [though I doubt she used that word, which was never part of the local Jdub vocabulary that I recall] for something that she had done wrong. He didn't think she was old enough to be baptized at the time [7 or 8 he said]. She was crying and upset because no one would speak with her or play with her following the meeting.

    I look back and cant' recall that particular event, but certainly don't doubt it at all. What an abusive bunch. I wonder how I ever was a part of that!

    Interesting stories. I have never been back to the KH, have since DA'd after reading Franz' books. I can just imagine how many times I have been the 'subject' of attack. One reason is my particular boldness in my approach to those who shun me. I make them very visible and tell others when they are around what just happened. If even one of those people avoids any contact in the future with the cult it is worth the effort. But I imagine that I stay on the radar at the hall due to this.


  • Truth and Justice
    Truth and Justice


    AK-Jeff, this is a good thread!

    To those of you who suffered at the hands of men, just men, I certainly feel for you. It is very despicable how they treat Jehovah's sheep. They think that we are theirs, we are not. It's a good enough reason why the sheep have scattered.

    I wish they would not call it Local needs. Local needs in my opinion means this: Giving a talk on how we can encourage each other each time we meet? or What can we do as shepards to lighten the load on the congregation? Maybe a talk on- How we can make the responsibilities on the sheep not so burdensome? Wait a minute, I must be dreaming, IT AINT GOIN TO HAPPEN!

    The reason being is that the book of Ezekiel said very clearly we were going to be slaves to the shepards that were suppose to take care of us, now we have also scattered as scripture puts it: Ezekiel 34:27- "And they will have to know that I am Jehovah when I break the bars of their yoke and I have delivered them out of the hand of those who had been using them as slaves."

    What a day it will be when real loving people will not be afraid to show true feeling, the feeling of love!

    Sincerely to all, Truth and Justice

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Thanx Truth and Justice. Nice to hear your comments.


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