I was puzzled by your quote from 2 Thess, I compared the NWT and it was more familiar , I am sure you will accept the NWT and their explanation :
(2 Thessalonians 2:6-12) 6" And so now YOU know the thing that acts as a restraint, with a view to his being revealed in his own due time. 7 True, the mystery of this lawlessness is already at work; but only till he who is right now acting as a restraint gets to be out of the way. 8 Then, indeed, the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will do away with by the spirit of his mouth and bring to nothing by the manifestation of his presence. 9 But the lawless one’s presence is according to the operation of Satan with every powerful work and lying signs and portents 10 and with every unrighteous deception for those who are perishing, as a retribution because they did not accept the love of the truth that they might be saved. 11 So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the lie, 12 in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness. "
The context refers to the Man of Lawlessness, the great Apostasy foretold in scripture . The WT applies this to the rise of Christendom and "false religion"..As you so rightly say, Christendom has produced false dates for the "second coming" notably the ones you mentioned.
You say to us that it is not false predictions that incur God's displeasure , rather the doing of bad acts, but according to the NWT rendition of these words , they were judged "because they did not believe the truth"
You must agree that according to the WT, failure to believe is justification for "judgement"..
As others have said, you have highlighted that others have got predictions wrong also, Does that not give us more reason to be "cautious as serpents" when asked to believe the writings of the WTS?
If a guide had got it wrong so many times before, would you follow him across the Sahara?