I have noticed that JW girls and woman always seem to be flat chested. Does any one know why.
Is it true
by is there help out there 17 Replies latest jw friends
Awakened at Gilead
Ask oompa, he seems to be an expert on this subject.
Hmmmm I guess it was about the time I left the dubs.........................
Not mine, I got her implants
Homerovah the Almighty
Not true, I checked them all.
I dated JW in the past, she has very nice big breasts, she had a very nice body all over. She was a real hottie, unfortunately, we never went too far.
I really don't know what to say on this one.
Woow, Beks. That makes me curious.
You just lived in the wrong state.
no more kool aid
Now I know why I never did fit in!