Lots of reasons, cheaper, no plastic etc. but the reason I prefer it is that when I travel I always keep water in the car. Bottled water is good for about a week then it starts to smell. Tap water has a bit of chlorine (harmless) that helps it to be kept much longer.
Why tap water is better than bottled.
by Gregor 24 Replies latest jw friends
no more kool aid
I totally agree. Where did that bottled water come from anyway? I can't believe it when I see people debating about getting something for their kids at Sam's Club but they have 6 cases of bottled water on their cart.
John Doe
I abhor chlorine. However, I'm too cheap for bottled water. I use a Zero water filter, and love it.
Interesting point about using a filter that removes the trace chlorine. It's great when your drinking the water at the tap (we get chilled water out of the fridge dispenser which has a filter) but if you are going to carry or store water you are better off to take it straight from the tap, unfiltered.
I grew up on well water.I like that the best.
I guess it really depends on where you are, and how bad your water is. When I was expecting my first child, we were told not to make formula with tap water, as the agricultural runoff made our well water so bad. I hate chlorine myself. Even coffee tastes like crap with over chlorinated water.
I thought if you stored water from the tap for extended time you were supposed to put a bit of chlorine in it.
I drink from the tap, unless it has an odor to it or a taste.
lol, but I buy ice!!!!
I guess it really depends on where you are, and how bad your water is Agreed. Grew up on well water too. My current well water taste too much iron. Bottle water instead of tap now.
Lord Almighty! IP and I have agreed on something for the first time in weeks! And I am not crotchety!
U R so easy.
why dont we take this forum over as the IP vs beks board?
I do love you baby. I know you aint all bad.