TWITCH- I too trusted the elders as a kid. But I learned like you not to trust them as an adult. Actions do speak louder than words.
VERY STUPID 77- The elders are trying to keep you under " extreme information control " by even telling you not to read the WT societies publications on child abuse. They want you to have " blind faith " that they are qualified to handle child abuse. But they aren't qualified to do so. You are right- it is a joke.
KAYTEE- The elders are experts at making innocent people feel guilty and letting guilty people off the hook. Very unjust.
DAGNEY- We are doing fine ! How are you ? Nice to hear from you ! Like you I was raised in the JW cult . As a child I trusted the elders but grew to distrust them once I got older and saw the unjust treatment of people.
ONLY ME- Good point you make. Most elders never really tried to get to know us personally - so how could we fully open up to them ?
BLUES BROTHER- I was like you - in my early years I trusted the elders - but I too grew in confidence and wisdom and I saw the unjust treatment in which they dealt with people in the congregations.
KEYSER SOZE- Good point you make. The elders were never consistent in how they dealt with people. They would handle situations differently depending on who was involved. If it was a friend- the person would get off lightly- if it was someone they didn't care for - that person would be disciplined more severely. It was disgusting