Is this a good thing?
Is WT "New System" Based on Socialism?
by cameo-d 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
Does Socialism mean that the rank and file give to the GB and they just keep it and then loan it out to build Kingdom Halls?
Nope the WatchTower needs capitalism to survive. We all know Jehovah needs more money.
The Watch Tower world present and future is a Fascist dictatorship.
At the present and future time it's based on dictatorship.
Ultimate power in the hands of the GB. You cross them and you're dead
Life on paradise earth would be a totalitarian nightmare. Dubs are seduced by dreams of a free and easy life but the reality would be five meetings a week and field service forever and ever. Loud speakers in the trees and Kingdom Melodies on endless loop making Guantanamo Bay look like a boy scout camp.
Call it what you will, there's only one game in town and that's the seeking, maintaining and exercising power over the minds and lives of others. Apart from mass printing, it's the only area I know where Watchtower Society has genuine expertise.
Gary b" The Watch Tower world present and future is a Fascist dictatorship.
i believe the party line is it was, is, and wil always be a THEOCRACY.............oompa
and the original goal was all equal and no want
Totalitarian socialism maybe.
The new system is more aptly the New Dark Ages. It is a totalitarian system, where everything you think, say, or do is what someone else tells you to. All about God using us for a specific purpose--acceptable treatment for a computer, not acceptable for a person.
Paternalism more than anything else - scrolls will be opened
How does the New Systemocracy resemble Socialism? I think Socialism involves everyone doing their part to support each other. After the bodies are buried, it's more like jehoho makes the peach trees grow and the underlings are on perpetual picnics.