Dumbest new Watchtower study "Don't worry about health just preach!"

by Witness 007 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Finally-Free

    Does someone have a pdf of the article? I'm rarely interested in reading any of their literature but this article is sure to get me going.

    Oh, how I long for the days when I hobbled around doing "street work" on my crutches with an injured knee instead of going to a doctor!

    I can't believe how bloody stupid I was.


  • daniel-p

    It always seemed like there were an inordinate amount of people who claimed to be sick in one way or another. It was almost like a badge of honor, like they were some kind of martyr.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Its easy for the GB members to say that since they have complete medical coverage and dental coverage

    medical costs are not a concern for them, what is a concern is making sure their magazines and books

    and money is constantly coming in to support themselves.

    They are always looking out for themselves and always expressed great apathy to their slaves in the trenches,

    and toward humanity for that matter.

    When ignorance gains power its not spirituality its called STUPIDITY

  • DaCheech

    the only thing that was good in the article was telling brothers not to promote non-doctor cures to others.

    when you tell others how to cure themselves, you are practicing medicine without a license, and have to assume full responsibility of that persons outcome.

    there is a sister (in Pennsylvania) who died of cancer, and during those last 9-11 months she was under so many "shark cartiledge" pill popping cures. When she died it took her 50's husband 9-11 months to marry a sister in her late 20's.

  • quietlyleaving

    The article is entitled MAINTAIN A SCRIPTURAL VIEW OF HEALTH CARE (Nov 15 2008)

    here is blonde's study


  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    I do find that many of my JW extended family seem to really be into crazy quack cures and really "out there" alternativve health practices. They seem to get all these ideas from others at the KH.

    I'm a nurse but I am not opposed to seeking non-traditional health advice. But you need to use some common sense and do some research on whatever you are thinking of using.

    My JW relatives all live in a small-medium size town in SC. I find that many of their doctors are sub-par. I don't know if this is because of the "blood transfusion" issue and doctors refusing to take JW patients or if all the doctors in this town are sub-par.

    But it does seem like my JW relatives are always talking about health problems that they have. They seem to have more than their share in my opinion.

  • dogon

    What I don't understand is why was there an article about a non problem in the first place? Is it because the base age of the society members is aging? Are they taking a preemptive strike to stop older people from focusing on their health? Other than that I am at a loss to explain what the hell they are even talking about. What was all that occult crap about? I know of no occult health care that is anywhere main stream. It sounded like some kind of scare tactic to me. One that was ill [no pun intended] thought out. I have no idea why this article was published? Any insight here? Is it possible that it is the Dubbers that have had a dim view of main stream medicine? Older ones have had a hate relationship with modern medicine due to all the anti vaccine, and visceral talk that the society printed in the 20s through the 50s. I know of many who went to Homeopathy, and eastern medicine because of all the neg. talk the society printed. Is this a problem with dubbers of their own making?

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Dogon, sorry but the quote function won't work for me on this thread. In answer to your question about the "occult crap", IMO this Watchtower was designed to reinforce a fear of hypnotherapy. Here in the UK hypnotherapy is used more and more as a mainstream treatment for all sorts of conditions, notably phobia treatment and as an aid to break addictions.

    There are a number of popular television programmes which focus on hypnotherapy and the way in which it works. Most JWs believe hypnotism involves invoking the power of demons or some other such craparoony. It is not in the borg's interests to have their members having any curiousity or desire to know about; much less take advantage of a technique which deals with mind control.

    That's my take on it anyway, FWIW.


    Coffin And Smoking....................

    Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • dogon

    Mickey, I watched a guy famous in your neck of the woods, Darren Brown, I think is his name. He amazed me and I highly recommend anyone reading this to YouTube search on him. I was so amazed I bought a book after I found out his secret. NLP or neruo linguistic programming. It is hardly Occult, it is how our minds work. This guy is very good at it. It shows how most of go through the day in a sort of daze and run on our subconscious.

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