When was the persecution in Malawi? I'm trying to think if I remember this?
by possible-san 48 Replies latest watchtower bible
When was the persecution in Malawi? I'm trying to think if I remember this?
Hi, cameo-d, carla, rebel8, shopaholic, hamsterbait,
Scarred for life, DaCheech, AudeSapere, steve2, mostlydead.
Thank you for your precious opinion.
I wonder if you have a Child Protection Agency in your country, Possible-san?
I'm sorry.
I am not knowledgeable about such a welfare work.
Probably, there are the law and group for protecting children in Japan.
But I think that there are no law and group which protect from teaching children a "dirty word."
I don't know what you would call it. Could it be considered porneia?
I think that "fornication" in the Scriptures is originally a symbolic meaning.
That is, it is meant as "idol worship."
It is worshipping what is not "I AM."
Well, even if I think like Jehovah's Witnesses, the topic which I consider with everyone now here is unrelated to "fornication" (porneia).
I had said as follows.
Although I think that there are various opinions about it,
in my personal opinion, I think that oral *** is a "natural act" of the man and woman who love mutually.
I think it wrong to teach children "intimate adult's man and woman's secret."
Scarred for Life wrote: When was the persecution in Malawi? I'm trying to think if I remember this?
I remember reading the accounts from Malawi in the yearbook each morning at breakfast. MUCH horrifically graphic detailing of mutilation, humiliation and torture. I think it was in 1972 or 1973 yearbook.
Great message of love and hope to send your young children off to school with. If it was the '72 year book, I was 11, my brother would have been 7 and my sister would have been 3 when this was our morning routine.
It took me until about 2 or 3 years ago to get over those images. In fact, I don't think I'm completely over them because as soon as the prior poster wrote her comment, a quick humiliation/torture image sprang to the forefront of my mind.
Just thought of something. Most JW kids don't know what oral sex is, so they will be googling away. Once they see a few pics and videos...thats it.
Is that what the JWs are trying to do-curtail natural sexual behavior?
If so, then what they do has the opposite effect. They talk about sex all the time and keep it in everybody's minds even the children. The natural effect of this is to increase sexual desire.
But the JWs have no understanding of human behavior and emotions. They are CLUELESS!
Ah, but they know exactly what they are doing. It is called "grooming". Pedophiles do it to condition their victim by getting them to think sexually, exposing them to porn or sex talk that is not appropriate for their age. Think the rampant pedophilia in the org is just a coincidence?
I learned about fellatio and cunnilingus in 1972 at the age if 11.
It was an international assembly in Victoria BC. During the talk I noticed the entire assemblage go deathly quiet, no one was whispering or moving around or doing anything, that made me extremely curious about what fellatio and cunnilingus meant, I made a mental note and looked up those words as soon as I got home.
Yeah, I don't remember the specifics but I think I was there to hear the talk on fellatio and cunnilingus also. I would have been 15. This was right before I had my big explosive rebellion in my family and absolutely refused to go to meetings or anything anymore. I just couldn't take it. It was abusive and offensive and humiliating to hear all that blatant sexual talk coming from the "talks". This was just one of the many reasons that it all blew up in my mind and I knew that I was going to kill myself if I didn't escape from this cult.
Hi, AudeSapere, shopaholic, kurtbethel, aSphereisnotaCircle, Scarred for life.
All the everyone's opinions are persuasive.
I think that pretending sincerely is clearly wrong although these old men (GB) are using the dirty words.
In fact, the old men of this GB are the indecent and obscene.
As a father who was trying to do the correct thing in bringing my children up respecting certain values, I was very upset when this sought of subject was studied.
I would approach elders about this, their answer was "that is life", as a father you would control when to bring a subject forward and when NOT to.
I found the only answer was not to go to meetings where this material was being presented.
The apostle Paul spoke about getting on to more spiritual things, therefore knowing that a child has to have that childlike period in their lives.