I really thought it was a STUPID waste of time! Especially weekend mornings and holidays.
Did You Hate Going In Service???
by minimus 38 Replies latest jw friends
wha happened?
I was all gung ho when I was 1st baptized. Afterwards I realized what a stupid and usless method it was to preach the message. Bothering people at 9:30am and expecting a conversation out of it.
I did it for 56 years,I never felt really comfortable doing it, who does?
What I disagreed with strongly was calling at times that were almost provoking householders to tell you to "go forth and multiply",like Christmas Day or even straight after a Sunday morning meeting,when most people are just about to eat lunch.
That "Go forth......." bit reminds me of when a new Bro. I was "training" asked me "What do you reply if someone tells you t F**K Off?"
I said "I usually say thanks very much I like sex and travel" don't know if he ever used that or any of my other useful tips!
What's ridiculous is that these people think they can just bother others simply because THEIR message is so important. Dumbasses!
I loved it. It made me happy to get the good news of the kingdumb out to everyone.
Minimus, do you actually expect one person to say yes?
wha happened?
What was equally irritating was going out in service with the ex. She had no knowledge of current events except for what she heard in the KH and meeting for field service. Listening to her spout off a fractured current event to lead into a conversation was extremley embarressing. She hardly had her facts straight and often she was called on her introduction which ended the conversation.
I know of some oldtimers that loved going door to door. (They're all dead now).
one time I was about 10 or 11, I was invited to go to the baseball game with worldly kids, my parents say NO, they dragged me into field service, I cried the whole time.
I hated going in service, getting car groups together, riding around, people being phoney to each other. Wasting time ......but as long as it was counting time it was not considered wasted. It was boring, unfulfilling, and I hated knocking on someones door cold. I did not mind so much in the Spring when people were out already approaching them with a very brief message. I also liked it better when I was driving. I was found door to door though!!! Not everyone was a sponge of a householder as I was!!!
When I was in a fun and loving congregation..... when I still believed we were chosen..........absolutely! I was saving lives afterall!
When I was in a stinky, unfriendly and hateful congregation ..... when I still believed..... I started searching scriptures to find a loophole out of door to door FS. ...... ahh the graces of 'informal and silent witnessesing'..... oh how I could count the hours......
Sorry Min..... what can I say... just a year ago my eventual retirement plans revolved around 3-6 month stints of 'greater need' pioneering.
(((( ahh I am better now knowing the stark truth versus the dirrty lie )))))