I would still rather take my chance with diplomacy and common sense.
sometimes that is not an option. its should always be the first action but if it comes down to a life and death situation a gun might save your life.
Glad i live in the USA
by oompa 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I would still rather take my chance with diplomacy and common sense.
sometimes that is not an option. its should always be the first action but if it comes down to a life and death situation a gun might save your life.
Glad i live in the USA
Don't retreat...reload. - Sarah Palin
When that Awake article came out in 1991, I was living in a high-crime area, and my children were being bullied at school. The impracticality of this "guidance" was one of the things that set me on the course to part company with the Truth Lie.
As to using that ridiculous excuse "the attacker is likely to be quicker on the draw than the victim" - that situation can easily be turned around with a little training, and regular practice on the shooting range.
I agree with others here that diplomacy and common sense can play a role. However, these on their own cannot always guarantee a favourable outcome.
Niether can showing your attacker a clean pair of heels always work!
- the last time somebody tried to physically attack me, there was nowhere to run to; he being between me and the room's only door.
This nutcase meant business, too, having armed himself with a three pound hammer from out of my own tool box!
Fortunately, a security officer was present, and managed to get my attacker to release the weapon. If he had been unsuccessful, then I would have used my knowledge and prior training in judo / karate disarm the attacker. (Judo is a particularly useful thing to know when defending yourself against attack from a "blunt instrument").
One thing is for sure, had I followed the WTS "advice" that day (early December 2006), I would not be here now talking about it!