I hope you do ok.
I'm giving myself a financial assessment right now, and I'm not too pleased. I really overspent in Q4 of 2008.
Time to cut costs.
by badboy 14 Replies latest jw friends
I hope you do ok.
I'm giving myself a financial assessment right now, and I'm not too pleased. I really overspent in Q4 of 2008.
Time to cut costs.
If they're gonna make you pay, move to Scotland - it's free up there!
If they ding you, you had better stay on top of it next year. Better to spend it than give it back.
I am sure you are managing what has been placed under your care very well, Badboy.
I have an inheritance, I am over their limit for savings.
If I spend money, I must produce receipts of my expenfiture,its as if its their money.