Please lurkers, members - watch this National Geo Movie....

by AK - Jeff 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Amha·’aret


    Where's part 3? I didn't see it and the credits rolled at the end of part 2.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I noted a few things in common with my 40 year inside view of Jw's.

    • The comical laugh the kids made when asked questions about the leadership/eschatolgy of the group. That sick 'why can't these pagan unbelievers get it already - we have the trooth', laugh.
    • The Adventist connection with all the cults mentioned and the WTS [not mentioned]
    • The unbelievable acceptance immediately of the failure of the groups' prophecies to materialize - still it's the trooth without a blink
    • The protectionist viewpoint of the leadership - even the leader's own son forfeiting his wife over to the 'Father' without question, and then protecting his father afterward
    • The refusal to answer the 'sticky' questions - or the dance around those questions


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Those having trouble seeing it - try this link on Hulu. NG has it - but only the highlights. THis is the entire film.


  • Amha·’aret

    Sadly that link will only work for people in the US.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Sadly that link will only work for people in the US.

    Sorry - didn't know that.


  • JWdaughter

    I guess it is true then, the US is still the best place to be:)

    I had no idea that it mattered where you live when you are using the internet. I thought it was all available once it was webified. I can't keep up.

  • moomanchu

    Interesting video, humans are too easily manipulated.

    Natural reactions is those people are nuts.

    It's people allowing themselves to be controlled at another level.

    It all boils down to control ? (unity)

    The brainwashed part at the end was sureal.

  • Kudra

    Wow! That was so creepy- poor kids. I don't know how the parents that left could let theri children go back to that...

  • JWdaughter

    Remember back when we were cultists and didn't realize that cultists didn't need to literally be 'wild eyed' lunatics? Those people mostly looked reasonable and didn't come off as insane, and yet, they were so totally deluded by this man. Some of those young women were so lovely and I thought like a mom-What is going to happen to them when they figure out he is a fraud? What will their lives be like? Will they still have any family or sense of reality? Will they always feel like freaks(especially after being recorded as cultists).? I just feel so sorry for them. We were isolated enough as JWs, but I think they are in an even worse situation, not to mention contributing to his child abuse even by their cooperation with him.Someday they will be having to live with themselves, not unlike the JW parents who have allowed their children to die over the blood issue. Or who survived Malawi or encouraged a young man to go to jail rather than do alternative service. Varying degrees, but still, would feel like crap.

  • Tatiana

    Thanks for the HULU link. I never saw this. I will watch this tomorrow.

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