Just wondering.
Can or Do you call your fellow apostates on this board "brothers"?
by asilentone 22 Replies latest jw friends
I no longer use the term "bruddahs" or "sistahs"....too cultish..
I do not use those terms ('brother' & 'sister'), just like I do not use 'apostate' to refer to ex-JWs.
I think that the 155 people who survived the ditching in the Hudson will always have a unique connection. They will go there separate ways and maybe have a reunion, but basically they will go back to being strangers. Brother and Sister seems too strong for this (JW survivor) experience that we escaped from. An awful cult. I have mentioned before my cousin whose experience was very similar to mine. He wants nothing to do with any xjw discussions. He once said, "If I had been held down, gang raped and forced to perform degrading acts, why would I want to keep hashing it over with others? I don't want to do anything but forget about it."
There are alot on this site I call my friend!!
I'll drink to that CBD....
what Gregor said
We were all part of a train wreck in our lives, for which we'll never forget (your mileage may vary) but the last thing I would call anyone is a brother or sister. I might use the term loosely within context of the greater human condition but beyond that, I attach no special significance to the term. It belongs to a former life. In fact, I don't consider myself an apostate; that's their term for me and they can have it.
Once you realize you're just like everyone else in the world, you're free :)
Well, I feel like we are brothers and sisters, since we have such a strong common bond. I've noticed that many of the exjws I talk to on the phone address me as sister. I call them aposta-friends.
Apostabrother & apostasister...
I like the way it sounds, quirky