I was always uncomfortable with the name. It bothered me most when we would be at someones door and they would ask, What religion are you? It was hard to say, We are Jehovah's Witnesses. I was sooooooooooooooo uncomfortable with it.
Did you like the name "Jehovah's Witnesses"?
by JimmyPage 29 Replies latest jw friends
Rutherford wanted to be distinctive and weird. He was a publicity and attention hand.
Oh, yes, I loved being a tall, skinny, shy kid in grade school, not celebrating holidays, not saluting the flag, going in field service and having the dumb-ass label, "Jehovah's Witness." What kid wouldn't be proud of that mess?
I`m not allowed to do that,I`m a Jehovah`s Witness!!..........That one line will kill any hope of making friends in school..
I didn't care for the name either. But keep in mind that Joe Rutherford named his followers "Jehovah's Witnesses" because when you say the name real fast it sounds like "Joe's Witnesses." So you can see why he liked the name.
I quit!
I think Joe Hovah's Witnesses sounds a little cooler.
Nah. It sucks.
Jobie nitwits sounds better.
I quit!
Children of the Tower. Is that better?
yadda yadda 2
When I was a teen and still a JW, I once heard a guy from another church call us "Jo Ho's". I thought it was kind of endearing.