Double whammy for Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormonism!

by Chalam 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • yknot
    Possibly, but the main question for me is who is Jesus?

    In a biblical sense......

    Jesus is the only begotten son of God.

    He was sent by God his father to provide a ransom sacrifice.

    For those who believe him to be the Messiah.....he is their King, Savior and Mediator.

    It is up to the individual to chose whether Jesus is all this to them personally.

  • oompa
    chalam: After all, he is the most famous person ever in history

    ask any muslim that and you will get a very different answer.....and they outnumber christians btw....sorry, but we are just products of our environment..........oompa

  • Chalam

    Hello oompa,

    Yes Muslims say Jesus was a prophet, not the Son Of God. Jesus said he is the "Son Of God" so go figure.

    According to

    There are between 1 billion and 1.8 billion Muslims, making Islam the second-largest religion in the world, after Christianity. [ 4 ]

    All the best,


  • steve2

    God spends eons keeping us waiting, with millions of people suffering over the millenia, and you're still hung up about whether he's part of a trinity or not? Time you moved on from the Old Testament (sorry, Hebrew Scriptures)mentality.

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