It is a lie to say that a GB existed in the 1st century and was directed by Holy Spirit to make decisions and oversee the goings on of the various congregations that existed then. The scriptures show that the older men in Jerusalem met a single time with Paul and Barnabas over an issue brought up in the far away Antioch congregation by two rogue Jewish brothers who visited and insisted that all Christians must keep the Jewish circumcision tradition (see Acts chapt. 15 and Gal. chapt. 2).
Interestingly, Paul's account of this meeting (Gal. 2) shows that it was by revelation that he went there apparently to correct these older men on this issue - not the other way around. The meeting ended and an apology letter was drafted and sent with two representatives to accompany Paul and Barnabas back to the Antioch congregation. Other than this letter written specifically for the Antioch congregation (also shared with congs. in Syria and Cilicia), there is not even a hint anywhere in the scriptures that a GB existed or had anything to do with what Paul or Timothy, or Philip or many other individuals were doing as representatives of Jesus.
Galations 1 shows that it was 3 years after being appointed by Jesus himself that Paul finally ventured to Jerusalem and during his 2 week stay with Cephas he saw "... no one else of the apostles, only James the brother of the Lord." What? Are you kidding me? You mean that the spirit directed Governing Body of older men who existed then and were in control of everything didn't want a full report?
Galations 2 shows that 14 years later Paul again went to Jerusalem with Barnabas (and the uncircumcised Titus) as a result of a Revelation to set the older men straight on the circumcision issue that the "...false brothers brought in quietly, who had sneaked in to spy upon our freedom..." had brought up in Paul's home congregation in Antioch. Again, your telling me that Paul operated for 14 years independent of the the spirit directed Governing Body of older men who existed then and were in control of everything? And he was allowed to carry on and was not disfellowshipped for apostasy? Wonder what would happen if a sincere brother like Paul went before the modern day GB and offered correction to them?
There is no sciptural basis for how the GB operates today and it is a lie for them to state that there is.