How's the economy where you live?
by Quirky1 23 Replies latest jw friends
Compared to a year ago I have to say it's pretty bad.
House sales are nearly zero, home evaluations have been reduced to about half of what they were, businesses are closing, food costs are going up and employment layoffs are going on in every industry, even hospitals.
Barbie Doll
Not to good, a lot of big businesses are closing there doors. My husband lost his job,
because he has a bad back, the doctor said he can't lift no more then 20lbs.
The area i'm in (DC/VA/MD metro area) has one of the lowest unemployment rates in US. I think DC is 4.5% and my County is 3.5%.
The area has it's share of foreclosures and bankrupcies i'm sure, but the cost of living is still higher than other parts of the US and people are still trying to sell expensive houses.
I know i shouldn't be praying about, but i'm hoping the prices remain low (or continue to drop) until i'm ready to buy a home in a few years.
One of the worst in the country. Obama came here last week.
Around here, we are losing a mall (that was floundering for several years before), Circuit City, and K-Mart. It seems that Wal-Mart and Target are doing just fine.
My Struggle
I have several friends in housing industry, six to be exact, and only one of them is still doing it. Three large groceries stores have closed near me and one more is about to. There have been too many speciality shops to close than I can count. The state cannot hire anyone or give its employees raises. The county I work in, Jefferson, could easily go into bankruptcy because of a sewer debt that has amassed. But times are great....thanks for asking!
Going downhill fast. Not as bad as you all above posted, though.
The economy here in the Reading, PA area hasn't been that great to begin with, but new home building has stopped, unemployment is nearing 10%, crime is slightly higher (bank robberies mostly), people are getting free pet food from the Humane Society so they won't get rid of their pets, I just got laid off from my job - a bank, last Friday. Overall, not great. At least my husband's job is secure - for now.
You can peruse the actual 2007 date, here.
2007 Median Household Income
Rankin County, Mississippi where I live: $53,561 per household.
Entire State of Mississippi: $36,424 per household.
For comparison, ...
Entire State of California: $59,928. per household.
Santa Clara County, California average is $84,265 per household.