Ministerial Training School Course Outline (older edition)

by SnakesInTheTower 13 Replies latest members private

  • SnakesInTheTower

    I won't say how old because I am fairly certain that each class is altered/updated. Probably wouldn't be too hard to determine which class this one came from.

    Based on some of the texts/subject titles used you know it is not the most recent "Light" from the Organization. This post is a response to a thread about what is taught at MTS

    There is one week under Christian Meetings that I do not have the page/theme for. It is marked with (**).

    The table below is the OUTLINE FOR THE 8 WEEK COURSE.

    God's Administration2 WEEKS
    God's Administration of Affairs Today3/1
    Bible Law -- Part 13/2
    Bible Law -- Part 23/3
    Bible Law -- Part 33/4
    Bible Law -- Part 43/5
    Bible Law -- Part 54/1
    Bible Law -- Part 64/2
    Bible Law -- Part 74/3
    Bible Law -- Part 84/4
    Midterm Exam4/5
    The Bible -- Its Study and Teachings1 WEEK
    Bible Geography1/1
    Time and Measuring Events1/2
    Bible Canon and the Hebrew Text1/3
    The Greek Text and the Bible in Modern Times1/4
    Archaeology Supports the Bible as Authentic and True1/5
    Field Ministry4 WEEKS
    Our Part in Making Known the Everlasting Good News5/1
    Making the Good News Known From House to House5/2
    Introductions and Conversation Stoppers5/3
    Using the Reasoning Book in the House-to-House Ministry -- Part 15/4
    Using the Reasoning Book in the House-to-House Ministry -- Part 25/5
    Using the Reasoning Book in the House-to-House Ministry -- Part 36/1
    Using the Reasoning Book in the House-to-House Ministry -- Part 46/2
    Cultivating Interest by Making Effective Return Visits6/3
    Using the Reasoning Book When Making Return Visits -- Part 16/4
    Using the Reasoning Book When Making Return Visits -- Part 26/5
    Using the Reasoning Book in the House-to-House Ministry -- Part 57/1
    Home Bible Studies that Produce Disciples7/2
    Using the Reasoning Book in the Home Bible Study Ministry -- Part 17/3
    Using the Reasoning Book in the Home Bible Study Ministry -- Part 27/4
    Using the Reasoning Book in the Home Bible Study Ministry -- Part 37/5
    Working with Magazines and Working in Public Places and Business Territory8/1
    Directing Interest to Jehovah's Organization8/2
    Helping New Ones in the Ministry8/3
    Let Your Light Shine All the Time8/4
    Final Exam8/5
    Christian Meetings4 WEEKS
    Personal Study. Meetings -- For Worship, Instruction, and Encouragement5/1
    Presiding and Teaching at Christian Meetings5/2
    The Watchtower Study5/3
    Model Watchtower Study5/4
    Congregation Book Study and Meetings for Field Service5/5
    The Public Meeting -- Informative and Motivating6/2
    Model Public Talk6/3
    The Service Meeting6/4
    Model Service Meeting6/5
    The Theocratic Ministry School7/1
    Model Theocratic Ministry School7/2
    Conducting Beneficial Elders' Meetings7/3
    Memorial and Special Talk7/4
    Weddings and Social Gatherings7/5
    Annual Meeting of Elders with Pioneers8/1
    Circuit and District Overseers Meet with Elders and Ministerial Servants8/2
    Christian Meetings Honor and Glorify God8/3
    Manifesting Christian Attitude and Conduct Toward Others in the Congregation8/4
    Final Exam8/5
    Theocratic Organization8 WEEKS
    Scriptural Study of Theocratic Organization (Part 1 - Invisible Heavenly Organization)1/1
    Scriptural Study of Theocratic Organization (Part 2 - Visible Heavenly Organization)1/2
    Scriptural Study of Theocratic Organization (Part 3 - Organizational Structure)1/3
    Scriptural Study of Theocratic Organization (Part 4 - A Falling Away and a Restoration of Theocratic Organization)1/4
    Scriptural Study of Theocratic Organization (Part 5 - Proving Our Submission to Theocratic Organization)1/5
    Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry -- Part 12/1
    Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry -- Part 22/2
    Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry -- Part 32/3
    Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry -- Part 42/4
    Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry -- Part 52/5
    Scriptural Requirements for Elders and Ministerial Servants3/1
    Overseers that Show Loving Concern for the Flock3/2
    The Presiding Overseer3/3
    The Congregation Secretary3/4
    The Service Overseer and the Congregation Service Committee3/5
    The Functions of Judicial Committees4/1
    The Role of Traveling Overseers in the Theocratic Organization4/2
    Hold Fast to Basic Things4/3
    Midterm Exam4/4
    Working With and Encouraging Ministerial Servants4/5
    Formation and Function of the Local Congregation5/1
    Special, Regular, and Auxiliary Pioneer Service5/2
    Correspondence with the Office and Handling Congregation Accounts5/3
    The Purpose of Our Kingdom Ministry and How to Use It5/4
    Helping Men in the Congregation5/5
    Helping Women in the Congregation6/1
    Helping Our Youth to Grow Spiritually6/2
    Helping the Weak and Inactive6/3
    Pioneer Service School; Serving Where the Need is Greater; and Providing Assistance in Time of Crisis and Disaster6/4
    Branch Organization and Your Relationship With It6/5
    Missionaries Push Worldwide Expansion7/1
    Adhering to Theocratic Organization During Persecution and Bans7/2
    Giving and Receiving Beneficial Counsel7/3
    The Kingdom Hall -- Its Use and Care7/4
    Circuit Assembly and Special Assembly Day Organization7/5
    Circuit Assembly and Special Assembly Day Program8/1
    District Convention Organization8/2
    District Convention Program8/3
    Maintaining Unity in the Christian Congregation8/4
    Final Exam8/5
    Growing Spiritually2 WEEKS
    Relationship with God1/1
    Keeping Abreast of Progressive Spiritual Enlightenment1/2
    Developing as a Spiritual Person1/3
    Godly Devotion1/4
    Godly Fear2/2
    Bible Teachings8 WEEKS
    Studying and Teaching the Bible1/1
    Bible Covenants1/2
    Jehovah God and Our Relationship with Him1/3
    Jesus Christ -- His Place in God's Purpose1/4
    How the Issues of Sovereignty and Neutrality Affect Us1/5
    New World Translation Reference Bible -- Part 12/1
    New World Translation Reference Bible -- Part 22/2
    New World Translation Reference Bible -- Part 32/3
    New World Translation Reference Bible -- Part 42/4
    New World Translation Reference Bible -- Part 52/5
    Kingdom Government3/1
    Operation of Jehovah's Holy Spirit3/2
    Understanding the Great Spiritual Temple3/3
    Reconciliation to God by Means of Atonement, Ransom3/4
    Blood, Bloodguilty, Avenger of Blood3/5
    History of Religion -- Part 1 (Apostasy Among the Jews --Hellenism)4/1
    History of Religion -- Part 2 (Anti-Christian Apostasy)4/2
    History of Religion -- Part 3 (Reformation But Not a Restoration)4/3
    Earth and Seas in Jehovah's Purpose4/4
    Midterm Exam4/5
    Life -- Marvelous Gift of God5/1
    Dedication and Baptism5/2
    Sex and Marriage5/3
    Separation, Divorce, and Remarriage5/4
    Resisting Wicked Spirit Forces5/5
    Prophecy -- Part 16/1
    Prophecy -- Part 2 ( Revelation -- Its Grand Climax at Hand! )6/2
    Prophecy -- Part 3 ( Revelation -- Its Grand Climax at Hand! )6/3
    Prophecy -- Part 4 ( Revelation -- Its Grand Climax at Hand! )6/4
    Prophecy -- Part 5 ( Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophecy! )6/5
    Prophecy -- Part 6 (Seventy Weeks)7/1
    Prophecy -- Part 7 (Kingdom Illustrations)7/2
    Prophecy -- Part 8 7/3
    Prophecy -- Part 97/4
    Resurrection Magnifies God's Power and Love7/5
    Sin -- Genuine Repentance -- True Forgiveness8/1
    Heaven -- Physical, Spiritual, and Figurative8/2
    Judgment Day8/3
    Continue Making Spiritual Advancement8/4
    Final Exam8/5
    History of Jehovah's WitnessesKingdom Proclaimers (Parts 1-13) Jehovah's Witnesses -- Proclaimers of God's Kingdom (weeks 2-4)3 weeks
    Public SpeakingTheocratic Ministry School Guidebook (8 WEEKENDS - SATURDAY MORNINGS)
    Using the Gift of Speech as One Taught by Jehovah1/6
    Gathering Material and Preparing Your Talk2/6
    Introductions, Conclusions, and Special Effects3/6
    Essential Qualities of Effective Public Speaking -- Part 14/6
    Essential Qualities of Effective Public Speaking -- Part 25/6
    Essential Qualities of Effective Public Speaking -- Part 36/6
    Continue Applying Yourself to Public Reading7/6
    Preparing and Presenting Effective Service Talks8/6
  • yknot


    I know you are busy with school ........ but when you have the time could you expound a bit subject by subject?

    Thank you again...... Yknot

  • MissingLink

    I'm no mathologist, but it looks like it's over 29 weeks.

    That 4 weeks on using the "Reasoning" book sounds especially awesome.

  • daniel-p

    I never knew the Reasoning Book was such a high-profile tool to be used by the WTS elite. Reminds me of all the parts in the meetings where they explained how to use the WT Index, as if people didn't know how books worked.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    I'm no mathologist, but it looks like it's over 29 weeks.

    each "unit" was usually 2 hours. The course was 5 ½ days a week, 8 hour days. 8 weeks. So it adds up to (5.5 days * 8 hours * 8 weeks) 352 hours. I was going back and counting units and exam days for each subject...came up to about 168 units or 336 another 8 hours I missed adding in exams... puts it at about 344... that did not include the "personal assistance" time (think of it as a spiritual career counselor )...and miscellaneous time introducing the course and each other and I seem to remember some field service as part of that too...that makes up the other 8 hours.

    None of this includes the hour of chores after lunch, the average 4 or 5 hours of "personal study" each night, the Morning Worship/breakfast Power Hour (Mon-Sat), the Experiences/Lunch Power Hour (Mon-Fri), or the Friday Night Theocratic School and Service Meeting (fun for the host congregations to give up their Friday nights for us...NOT!). Also not included was Field Service on Sunday after the meeting for the more ambitious (brown nosers). We were "excused" from the Congregation Book Study (gee thanks)..but some even went to that.

    Snakes ()

  • Derde

    Who have records of Ministerial Training School????

  • SnakesInTheTower

    derde..I dont understand the question..."records"? If you mean notes, I have binders full of printed out references.

    Mostly it is references pulled off of the WT library at the time with handwritten notes in the margins. Thats it. No way I can post it though... it is literally thousands of pages. I thought I saved all of the pages to a CD or something, but so far I cant find it. (The handwritten notes wouldnt be on that anyway).

    Snakes ()

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I don't think Derde understands You attended Ministerial Training School , and that is why you have the records .

  • rebel8

    I'm surprised they don't have any units about obedience. The whole religion revolves around it. But there is the expected:

    Blood, Bloodguilty, Avenger of Blood Be afraid of blood, very afraid. Why the Tort of Misrepresentation is an effective way to control the drones. Also covered in this unit: how to get someone you don't like to be called to a jc, by claiming he is stumbling you.

    History of Religion -- Part 1 (Apostasy Among the Jews --Hellenism)How the Jews are really evil

    History of Religion -- Part 2 (Anti-Christian Apostasy) Ex-JWs are possessed by demons, and so are any jws who even think about asking a question about our teachings
    History of Religion -- Part 3 (Reformation But Not a Restoration)We are very special
    Earth and Seas in Jehovah's Purpose The earth has only been around for 6000 years. Archaeologists and all other scientists are demon-possessed.
    Dedication and Baptism Jesus was an adult when baptized. Why we deviate from this and baptize children, then turn around and call Catholics evil for baptizing babies.
    Sex and Marriage Girls are seductresses and, like cows, have little control over themselves. They need males to control them.
    Resisting Wicked Spirit Forces Avoiding garage-sale Tupperware and playing records backwards--the path of True Christians
  • unclebruce

    Hi SnakesInTheTower,

    Thankyou for posting this.

    Keeping Abreast of Progressive Spiritual Enlightenment



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