About eight years ago I was diving on a live aboard dive boat in the Cayman Island`s. There was a brake bewteen dives and I was sitting at a table on there upper deck with a famaly, mother, father and two girls age 18 and 20. I asked the girls what they did and one girl said she goes to Duke University and there other girl said that she goes to MIT. I said to the parent that there girl must be brilent and that you must be very proude of them and love them derly and the mother replayed yes. Them one of the girls said if you love us and are proude of us how come you never tell us. The mother said I thought you know and the girl said how could we know if you do not tell us. About three month later I recieve a letter from stateing that I changed there lives in as much ever time there mother or father see them or calls them they tell them that they love then and are proude of what they have acheeved in life.
Do your parent love you.
by is there help out there 15 Replies latest jw friends
spell check is your friend. really. it doesnt bite.
Great story!
nice...but priest...lmao...is helpouthere into scotch maybe??..........hope you can hook up with the 18 and 20 year old at the same time btw....a dream kinda..........oomps
My momma, she say she do.
Me too, her.
I think a more appropriate question would be do I love my parents?
Only a mother.
My mother-parent loves. Me. Pretty shure. Proude - not shure. I proude her, tho. Shure. Up with dip hubband and dip children she put. Children, still. Dips, still.