LACK OF MOTIVATION: I should be at work but...

by SnakesInTheTower 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • SnakesInTheTower

    ..instead I have been surfing the net for the last hour or so, catching up a tiny bit on online school work, then coming here and reading and posting.

    I have a job that allows me to write my own schedule. I probably average about 20 hours a week, most of that on Saturday and Sunday. My job is bill collector, so I work when people are home. I am still knocking on doors, but making money for me now instead of the WTBTS. The amount of work I am issued has decreased in the last year -- not because I only work part time but because of a lot of other factors. (I would know if they were cutting my work, I have access to the master work load spreadsheet each day from our client). I am strictly commission, so if I don't work, I don't make money. The economy in the tank is making it more difficult to collect past due balances from an ever shrinking pool of cable clients. I will have to work Sunday no choice... without prior notice, I cant take the entire Fri-Sun weekend off without serious reprecussions at work.

    This morning I got up at about 8, had been awake since 7 listening to the news on the radio. I got up and checked my work load status, put my route together, and then just really didn't give a sh*t. I also thought about going to an open house for a nearby university for their school of business, but also decided to blow that off. I will wait until next week when they come on campus to talk to them.

    I have noticed my lack of motivation leaching into other areas of my life. I am taking 5 courses at the community college... 3 online, 2 on campus. I successfully tested out of a 6th class so that will save me having to take the time to actually take it (though I will still have to pay for the credits on my transcript). You would think with all the free time I have I should be way ahead on would be wrong. I seem to work up to deadline knowing that I will make it with no problems. It has almost bit me in the a#$ a couple of times.

    For example, yesterday I did very little useful. ....Once again I didnt take my garbage and recycling to the curb.... its all outside in bins, so its not stinking up the house or anything.... and I generate very little garbage anyway.

    I have been meaning to bake some wheat the ingredients...just dont do it..... I did finally make another batch of banana muffins (a poster here gave me a great recipe).... but all I did yesterday was go to the post office, bank, grocery store and library...oh and the bakery/cafe where I read the paper and drank coffee...ate lunch there for a change. Otherwise, I just dont feel like doing much of anything. I dont go to the gym (I am not gaining weight or anything, but I have lost a lot of the strength gains I made last year when I worked out regularly). I sit around and watch shows I record on my DVR....but anything useful? Not until I have to do it.

    I think I hang out at the bakery just to be around people. Fun to watch people . I just sit in a nice comfy chair in a corner that gives me a good view of anyone coming in and out, and most of the dining room. Interesting to listen to people talk. Drink my coffee and read the paper (or whatever I have with me). Cheap entertainment. But watching and listening is not the same as interacting.

    I dunno... I am lucky to have a job. Especially since I know others, including some here, are in a bad situation employment-wise. So I am notcomplaining about my life. Not at all. Logically I know what it is........its depression and I know it. I cannot afford a shrink so dont suggest it. I stay away from pharmaceuticals unless I absolutely have to. I am just venting. Nothing JW-related...other than for the first time in my life (the last 18 months or so) I am having to focus on myself instead of the Borg.

    However, for now, what I really need is a shower, a shave, and that order. I will get the shower and shave, throw some clothes on, and then head to the to the bakery. I gotta get away from the computer and out into the sunlight...

    Snakes ()

  • crapola

    Hi Snakes,, You do sound depressed. I've been there and am taking medication for it and I'm much better. Wish there was something I could do to help you.

    You might want to reconsider the Dr. and medicene. It has made a world of difference for me. And you would'nt have to always be on it.

    Just a thought!

  • rebel8

    Are you possibly fearful of the new challenges you'll experience after you graduate?

  • DJK

    I got away from my computer and into the sunlight quite a bit more this week. Today too. I'm feeling a whole lot better.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    When I get away from my computer, it's to go to work - in a place with no windows

    I work a permanent late shift too, so since September I've only seen around 2 hours of daylight each day. It totally screws the body clock

    emo, very sad and looking forward to lighter evenings!

  • SnakesInTheTower


    Are you possibly fearful of the new challenges you'll experience after you graduate?

    I knew I liked you for some reason. Right to the point. I appreciate it.

    My problem I think is that I thought I had already graduated. The first degree I got was a career degree. That and $2 gets me a cup of cofee at the bakery. Basically worthless. I switched gears and decided to pursue an AS degree as a transfer degree to a business school. Then the economy goes in the $hitter and even a BA/BS is worth about what the first degree is worth. **sigh**

    I think I am more fearful of having spent thousands of dollars (a combination of student loans and credit card debt) and 4 years (with a year break) and having not improved my economic lot one iota. I am not one to quit, so I will finish the AS this summer. Pursuing the BA/BS degree may have to go on indefinite hold while I catch up financially. The reality is I am 42 years old and need to find something, anything, to make the remaining 25 earning years (or 40 years if I become a Wal-Mart greeter **shudder** or a hobo) productive years.

    I may even end up staying in my current occupation -- debt collection -- but maybe with an Associates degree and my real life background I might qualify for something other than entry level again. And with a different whose client is not filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy itself.

    Snakes ()

  • jamiebowers

    Snakes, I did the same thing during my last semester of college. It may just be burn out. Since you'll have a BA and collection experience, you could easily get a management job with a collection agency working in an office instead of going door to door. Good luck!

  • purplesofa

    February sucks!!!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Howdy, Snakes:

    Below is a vignette from one of my stories.

    You have just described my current mental and physical state, my having come off three weeks intense care providing. As I've learned to deal with the vicissitudes that accompany life as a JW [formerly] artist and musician [currently], whose temperament had not been easily brought into submission in a high-control organization, I now graciously allow myself to go with the flow. There's no longer a hounder cracking the whip (save myself).

    Your accomplishments are not for naught. Momentary setbacks are just that - momentary and largely imagined more overwhelming than they actually are. It is possible, IMHO, to be objective about oneself and one's progress through life. Having read most of your story to date, I am impressed and see forward, meaningful strides on your part.



    Most particularly was the spontaneity of his musical expression abruptly arrested. Roberto was too confused, perhaps even to the point of utter distraction, to calculate in some logical, calm fashion what was chewing away at his insides. Surely, after his heroic performance at The Fontanne Theatre, he could justifiably glide over mundane care and daily preoccupation, held by the hand of Muse, for a little while longer. Realistically, however, there proceeds an inevitable crash after the gifted performer has ascended artistic heights through the total divestment of self onstage. An audience, gasping in disbelief at what their incredulous ears are telling their uncomprehending minds, can become inadvertent bane to the musician, who is taken for a god.

    Upon These Four Strings

  • SnakesInTheTower

    purps...yes, February does suck, almost as much as Aug/Sept (Labor Day) does.

    jamie... I may have to delay the BA/BS and stand on the AS after August... I have to catch up financially (unless for some reason some grant or scholarship happens to drop out of the sky).

    just got back from work...worked 9-3....did alright, I took Saturday off..didnt do anything fun, just not anything called work. will have to work again either Monday and/or Wednesday...

    Snakes ()

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