I wish more people would see through their smokescreen like shopaholic mom's congo "friend"
JW Table at College Fair
by Sparkplug 16 Replies latest jw friends
It's ironic how all these fools are basically unwitting specimens for students of religious studies, psychology, sociology or what have you.
sorry it took so long to respond. Good response. It is good to see someone else sees the lunacy of it all. I guess they have to let everyone have participation, but truly, research might need to be done on someones part of the school. I bet they cannot do much, because of religious descrimination. And of course, that is saddening, because with the good, you got to take the really bad. Really, WT club or photo club?
I would write a letter to the college office, informing them that destructive cults should not be allowed on campus.
i work at a local community college and yes the witnesses come around and set up shop every semester.
I have thought about alerting the administration about their stand on college, yet there is a school newspaper run by the students.
I'm currently in the process of writing the editors a letter about the education stand of jw's and attach the 9/1/08 wt magazine,page 11 prominently highlighted.
Does anyone else appreciate the irony of the college COOK setting up a table at the college fair to espouse her religion?
Since one can gain the equivelant of a college degree by reading the Awake! magazine, I'm surprised the school would allow a competitor to set up shop on their grounds...