Kisses to Kylishhlee! (Barf Alert!)

by Stephanus 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • rhett

    I got my first hatemail today from this person today!!! I feel so happy to finally get hatemail. I even wrote back to them to dispute their idiocity. Of course, I think I sent that email to them about 1,000 times. Then when they replied I wrote back again a few thousand times. Just think of how long it would take to download 2 or 3 thousand emails over a dial up line.
    What's really funny is they originally tried to block my email address. I'm guessing they're wondering how in the hell I was able to send them email from their own address........ Its times like this when I love dumb people.

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • jayhawk1

    Email me (once please) and tell me how you did that. I want to spam this a-hole too.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

    Jeremy's Hate Mail Hall Of Fame. and [email protected]

  • think41self

    ROTFLMAO Stephanus!

    You are one crazy funny dude. Thanks, I needed that laugh today.


    Holy Flying Screaming Buddha, Batman!

  • rhett

    Check your email jayhawk. You've got only 1 from me.

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Guess I'm just not apostate enough to rate any hate mail. (sigh)

    Lovely bookcases. LOL

  • Stephanus

    Hey Think,

    I thought of mooning her, but the responses here suggest that that might be just too much for some!

    Redhorse Woman,

    That's at least something; some people think even my bookcases are ugly!

    "You've got the brain of a four-year-old boy, and I'll bet he was glad to get rid of it."
    - Groucho Marx

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