Watchtower Buddha

by cameo-d 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cameo-d

    "Very common in the culture I am from. To ward off evil also on walls:"

    Since WT is using eyeballs in it's artwork, does it mean they are promoting the superstition that you can ward off evil by using this symbol?

    Or does it mean that WT has an Illuminati affiliation?

    Or does it represent something more ancient?

    The fact that we have camera's all over our cities, highways and inside buildings, and all sorts of spy equipment to "watch us" now......sometimes it makes me wonder if all of this has happened before?

    Perhaps these ancient myths have passed down these symbols as a discreet warning to us of something that has happened in a time long ago?

  • cameo-d

    Not sure, because I haven't really studied it, but I wonder if the god-chakra stuff is part of the teaching that "god is within" and that we are all little demi-gods.


    And round about the throne (or the Cerebrum-Spinal-Nervous System) were four and twenty seats (from the Four and Twentieth Mystery, the Zodiac of Chokmah, above and below, those four and twenty fires which work in Briah, they all are One with Kether which is the First Mystery, yet, in Daath within the Human Being, is Abba, the Father in the form of a dove): and upon the seats (of the Zodiac in Briah) I saw four and twenty elders (or four and twenty Dhyani-Buddhas or Logoi of Christ) sitting (with dominion as Malachim over the Zodiacal Universe), clothed in white raiment (or Dharmakaya Garments made with the immaculate strings of solar light from the Ain Soph Aur); and they had on their (Sahasrara Chakra of their) heads crowns (or incarnated Kether made) of gold (absolutely self-realized).

  • cameo-d

    It occurred to me that the importance of wearing the eyeball amulet is to publicly assert that one has an association with this particular deity.

    I think it is supposed to be "curse of the evil eye", so in essence it probably means "don't f**** with me because this is my deity and there will be serious repercussion!"

    It is an identifying mark of worship, much the same way that gang members use symbols, or secret societies use a piece of jewelry.

    I suspect the red marks on the figures above (first post, and also possible-san's post) are also used as some special identifying mark.

  • cameo-d
    Islamic All Seeing Eye.

    You will not be able to find a taxi cab in Islamic countries that does not have the All Seeing Eye.

  • Leolaia

    The seven-headed dragon is a motif from Canaanite and ANE Chaoskampf theogony; Leviathan in the OT corresponds to Lotan in Ugaritic texts and Ladon in Greek mythology. The third millennium BC seal from Tell Asmar depicts a god slaying a seven-headed dragon. The myth about the dragon in Revelation 12 however is also influenced in part by the Horus-Isis-Typhon myth (= the Apollo-Leto-Python myth in Greek mythology), while also historicizing it within the context of the origin of the Roman Empire (in an interpretation of Daniel 7, with the beast arising from the sea corresponding to the fourth kingdom/beast of Daniel, widely interpreted in the late first century AD as referring to Rome, cf. 4 Ezra 12) and the birth of Jesus.

  • cameo-d

    10.Kalki - (a man on a white horse) -this incarnation is yet to come and will mark the end of all evil in the world.

    Kalki is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu yet to come. At the end of the present Dark Age, Vishnu is believed appear on a white horse, with a flaming sword in his hand. He will punish the wicked, reward the good and restore the Golden Age again.

    Hindu religion is much older than christianity. What do you make of this?

  • JimmyPage

    Do you suppose there might be a very ancient common denominator that links these religions?

    Yes, it's South Park's League of Super Best Friends!

  • unclebruce

    The Hydra of ancient Greece (the land of John's "Revelation"):

  • cameo-d

    Yes, it's South Park's League of Super Best Friends!

    Rather portentious of the "one world unifying theme" isn't it?

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