God or god ???

by caliber 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • caliber

    In some religions, there are many gods, which are believed to be powerful spirits. See gods.

    God as a proper noun is the word most commonly used to refer to the ultimate power across all religions. As an improper noun, the word "god" means a deity who has supernatural powers.

    Belief in God is commonly called by the term theism. Atheism is the word that refers to non-belief in God or any gods.

    I guess according to the above definition or explanation one could "get away with " a small g on the word God .

    Here is my question though for those who feel it unnecessary to use capital letter for God.....

    Would you ever consider using a small letter on Hitler or Satan... they are still proper names regardless

    of our belief or opinion about them or if they even exist ? Is not just a small measure of respect due to those who

    do recognize God ?


  • quietlyleaving

    I think it depends on what position he wants for himself

  • cameo-d

    "Is not just a small measure of respect due to those who

    do recognize God ?

    God as a proper noun is the word most commonly used to refer to the ultimate power across all religions"

    Have you not heard that Satan is the ruler of this world? And as such, that is the only god that is being referred to here. Satan devised religion and governments to control people. We are all under his ruling power at this time.

    I think it is a matter of being true to your own beliefs. I will not use a capital 'g' unless god is the first word of a sentence.

    Why should I promote something I do not believe should be deified? If I have ascertained through much research and study that this god deity is wicked and evil, and acknowledge that this god deity is indeed Satan, the ruler of this world, then it is my choice as to whether I respect him.

    Notice I did capitalize his name. I do so because it is proper grammar, not out of any respect.

    Likewise, with god. Satan is this god of the world. I will not respect him.

    I do believe we have a Heavenly Father creator and that the closest we know of him is through Jesus. Jesus taught love and compassion. Religions do not teach this. All religions are lies mixed with truth.

    I look to the teachings of Jesus as a leader and inspiration for my direction in life.

    This old testament god is a sham.

    Jesus knew it, too. He blew the whistle on the scam and that's why he was murdered. He was upsetting the applecart and wrecking the business of the scribes and pharisees.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Whether its El, Bel, or God, (or el, bel, and god) man has always used familiar words to try an explain what hey cannot see, but only put faith into.

    Its a matter of semantics really. You and I might be referring to the same thing if you say "God" and I say "god".

  • caliber

    Again I ask would you spell Hitler with a small h regardless of your opinion of him ? Belief or approval and proper English

    to me appear to be separate issues . I do not recognize Zeus or some of these other deities even existing

    but does it kill me to spell their names with a capital letter ?


  • quietlyleaving

    Its a matter of semantics really

    it most certainly is. If we make God knowable by human definitions arn't we limiting him and therefore disprespecting him.

  • caliber
    Notice I did capitalize his name. I do so because it is proper grammar, not out of any respect.

    Likewise, with god. Satan is this god of the world. I will not respect him

    this point makes great sense so as such some could say because of disbelief...... Jah is the Christian god.


  • yknot

    I guess it all depends on what dictionary you are using......

    Remember god can also be used a s transitive verb

  • AllTimeJeff
    If we make God knowable by human definitions arn't we limiting him and therefore disprespecting him.

    God could make himself known to us, god simply has not done so. If he wants respect, he could actually earn it. (speaking of god from a traditional theistic point of view.)

    I am not a theist, I do not worship. But its hard to respect him even if I did believe in her. I realize thats not the point of this thread, but lets face it, if you worry that you are disrespecting god by beginning the first letter with a lower case "g", then your god is not worthy of my interest or worship.

    Knowing god is a very complex theological issue that most organized religions have totally dropped the ball on, since they are much more prone to get you to know god through their lens.

    If (g)od is worth a nickel, he would make himself known to mankind. If thats the point at all. Superstitious fears about disrespecting god are frankly offensive to me. How the omnipotent, almighty spells his name could be easily solved with some of that magnificent power of his being applied in that direction.

  • zarco

    The book "A History of God" provides a strong evidence that men describe their gods/god in ways that fill specific needs or project the personality traits or qualities of the worshipper on their god. If there is a god - he is not doing that great of a job. I hold a place in my heart and mind that he exists - but I become more and more doubtful each passing day.


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