Choosing Death (for born ins)

by brinjen 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PrimateDave

    Choosing death? I do understand what you meant by that, Brinjen. Fortunately for me I realized it was a false dilemma. Death is the ultimate, inescapeable fact of existence. It is not to be feared or embraced, but accepted.

    I once thought that if only God would have let someone live forever as a visible guarantee that everlasting life was an attainable goal, then I could believe... No, all I got were stories in books, stories full of contradiction and inaccuracy.

    Death is not chosen, merely accepted for what it is.


  • dinah

    The point Brin was making is that alot of us still very much believed God would kill us for leaving the Witnesses. It was such an unbearable life for us, that we left anyway.

  • slimboyfat

    Well I can't relate to that. Being a JW was quite a pleasant experience for me - apart from the fact it stunted my social development in other directions. But in itself being a Jehovah's Witness was not bad. The reason I started fading was because I didn't believe it any more. Not because I didn't like the lifestyle or the people.

  • Emma

    I thought I was choosing death; what bothered me was that I was likely choosing death for my kids, too, and yet even that could not get me back to a k.h. I knew I'd never go back; that was freeing for me, and that last bit of thinking that "they" may just be right still wasn't strong enough to make me do it. There was almost something physical making me know I'd left for good. How evil they are, manipulating people into the inaction of leaving by death threats!

  • Farkel


    :We chose life. To live as a slave is worse than death.

    I was also "born in" and knew no other way. I think for those of us in this situation it is much harder to leave than for those who come in later and at least have experience some freedoms life outside of WatchtowerWorld offers.

    Your comment about "to live as a slave is worse than death" reminds me that one of the 5 main reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire was their over-reliance on slavery. While there were many slaves in the Roman Empire, virtually ALL members of the WTS are slaves; slave not only to a concept but to a life dictated without question by others.

    If the Roman Empire serves as any example, the WTS could also "fall" or be reduced to a two bit cult, instead of a 4 bit cult because sooner or later slaves WILL rebel against evil Masters. This is especially true for people who, like me, felt they had nothing to lose and everything to gain by reclaiming our god-given freedoms.


  • brinjen

    Wow... guess I started this thread then neglected it.

    Great responses guys!

    I guess my way of thinking behind this thread was a result of the amount of times I've seen posted on here "xxx generation/parents converted when I was xx years old.... left xx years ago... found out the 'truth about the truth' xx years ago". It seems to me most born ins (and I include myself in here) walk away still believing in it. I may be wrong, but I would love to find out and am actually considering doing a survey on this very subject, if I can find a way to get it out there on a massive enough scale.

    Leaving when you still believe in it... is choosing death, ok an imaginary one but that's not known at the time of course.

    It just seems to me that for a lot of us here, the desire to live became stronger than the fear of dying. I was never really that interested in the pairofdice earth... to me it was just some pie in the sky and it didn't really sound all that appealing to be honest... how many others here felt the same way? It looked quite boring to me... so much of what we're used to and enjoy as an everyday part of our lives would be gone... music, entertainment, games, technology all gone.... forever. I think about the only thing that excited me at all was the possibility that one day, there would be no more meetings or field service (that's what I was hopeful of anyway)... and so much you have to miss out on in the meantime.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Brinjen Hi there! Yeah I'd rather party in hell with all the party animals then have an eternal "District Convention."

  • PEC

    Brinjen, those were my exact thoughts when I left. Just walking away with a death sentence from the dub's; because, I couldn't live a lie.


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