there are different types of yoga - you can do the purely physical yoga, which is the stretching and balancing, then you can get meditative yoga.
How do you explain that to someone who has to adhere to this line of thinking:
Whatever health instructors may say to the contrary, yoga does not stop with physical exercises.
The Society has drawn a distinct line: Yoga is not for Christians (read JWs). Period. It does not allow for just the exercise or stretching aspects of it. It has declared that practising yoga in any fashion is wrong.
Any JW who subjects themeselves to the authority of the Society has to shun any kind of yoga.
I atually like how the Society has taken such a hard stance on this. I know several JWs who have taken yoga classes or use the yoga stretching/breathing exercises on the Wii Fit program. By doing so, they are disobeying. Period. This has not been declared a conscience matter.
To a reasonable thinking person, it's obvious that one can use yoga exercises for good health. Show a dub that enjoys yoga exercise the Society's condemnation of this activity and you can create a conundrum in their thinking.
It's a little thing, not even a doctrinal issue, but it can help a free thinking person to start to question the Society's authority.