A few days back I made a comment on the collapse of Enron on this thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=16970&site=3
An excerpt from my post read: "Enron is a classic example of the hollow and predatory nature of the so-called new economy, which some imagine to be a new and improved way to MAKE MONEY! Instead of actually producing gas and energy products, Enron got into buying and selling futures sales of non-existent gas and electricity. They found that it was much more profitable to sell virtual energy than it was to actually go out and transform nature into something useful. Of course when the gig was up their pyramid of virtual dollars came unwound and vaporized. Most people assume that Enron was an anomaly. It wasn’t. Many companies are dealing in vapor. The largest so-called industrial company, General Electric, acquires half of all its revenue through playing the very money games that burned Enron. Enron’s meteoric demise is a portent of things to come for the whole ponzi-based speculative system."
To which Sneeker responded: "That is the worst analysis of Enron I have seen yet. It's clear you took your preexisting world view and grafted it onto Enron. The reality is that Enron was buying and selling real gas and electricity contracts, and it was an is a viable business (if Enron goes, other companies will step in to take their place). What sunk Enron was some shady deals on the side that they hid from their investors. When they finally admitted it, confidence in the company's dealings was shaky, people began to wonder what else was going on, they removed business from the trading exchange, and the stock plummeted. It was a classic case of financial misconduct, not some new-age thing that You Know likes to pretend it was. If this is the kind of conclusions he reaches about something that just happened, it's clear he hasn't a clue about what is going to happen in the future. No wonder everything he has ever predicted has failed to come true."
Today, John Hoefle, an associate of Lyndon LaRouche, and EIR, and himself a recognized authority on financial matters, who occasionally is called on to testify before various congressional banking committees and that sort of thing, issued a piece on the collapse of Enron. For those who may be interested in following this unfolding story and getting some idea of what is actually going on, his article may be read by clicking here
>>> http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2001/2848lar_enron.html
/ You Know