How do you answer "you research just to criticize"?

by undercover 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Initially my research wasn't to prove them wrong. But one fact leads to another and then eventually it was a search for fallacy in doctrine

  • rebel8

    wts has said several times in its publications that you should research. Google "watchtower quotes verify your religion".

    Researching for the purpose of verifying implies you are looking out for things that don't verify, too, which has been endorsed in writing by them.

  • Finally-Free

    Questioning your motive for doing research is easier than defending the results of the research. It's a diversionary tactic, and they'll try to use it to discredit you and, by extension, your research.


  • steve2

    It's called a Double Standard: People in other religions are commended by witnesses for researching their religion, while witnesses are condemned by other witnesses for researching their's.

  • betterdaze

    Anyone inexperienced puts faith in every word, but the shrewd one considers his steps. — Proverbs 14:15

    Now the latter were more noble-minded than those in Thes·sa·lo·ni´ca, for they received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind,
    carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so. — Acts 17:11

    Make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine. — 1 Thess 5:21

  • recovering

    use these two bible verses, if they still object to you examining and researching the scriptures it is evident that they are not imparting truth.

    Examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good;
    Bible quote, Apostle Paul, 1 Thessalonians 5: 21

    Bible quote, John 8:32: The truth shall make you free.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    "This is the "truth" isnt it? Anything I find out can only further strengthen that cant it? How can I possibly find anything out there that would disprove what Jehovah through his organization has showed us? Unless of course there is something you arent telling me?"

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    The main goal of asking you this question is so that a label can be placed upon you. The actual substance of what you are doing is immaterial, they just want to know if you are a possible "enemy" of the Watchotwer.

    Remember that one of the Watchtowers biggest tools is getting people to believe information with little evidence. Understanding this is critical! Most everybody in positions of authority believe what the WTS teaches without much verification. This attitude is rewarded and encouraged. Seeing somebody demand more than what the Watchtower provides is seen as a signal that you have a problem with the status quo. To them it shows that the person is not "trusting" the Watchtower at its word.

    JW's typically don't believe what the WTS teaches because they come to a logical conclusion, they do so because they have been "encouraged" to believe it on little evidence. This is the entire process of a "in home bible study"! Get people to trust you so that eventually they quit challenging what you say and just accept it.

    I would say that how you answer this question depends upon context. I would simply answer "no" if I was an active JW trying to fade. OTOH if the situation was different I may be inclined to simply ask basic questions back at the JW and get them to define what they mean further. How much information is to much. The main goal would be to get the JW to recognize (or at least acknowledge) that his main point is that you should trust the magazines without research.

    JWs have many indirect questions that, if stated directly, would simply reveal to much about their motivations. Typically most JWs don't actually even grasp the deeper implications of the questions and accusations they throw at people because usually they are just repeating what a magazine or book told them to say in a certain situation. The main point the question this thread referances is that it is well understood by JWs that they should trust what the Watchtower writes without needing additional research. It is not your place as a JW publisher to do research beyond the publications. IF you are doing research, that means you were not convinced by the original information presented, which means you are not trusting the WTS enough.


    "Well, haven't you ever wanted to look into this subject a bit deeper yourself? Wouldn't you think it would be interesting to find out....."

    in the second example, the person is forced to either say that they would enjoy doing what you are doing, or forced to admit that they would not want to know about their own beliefs in more detail!

    One of my rules in dealing with people is to always find a way to turn the conversation around. Don't make people get defensive (that's trouble!), but at the very least try get away from confrontation to some place where you cannot possibly disagree.

  • ColdRedRain

    My response "Yeah, and so far, I've found that my suspicions were fufilled, would you like to prove them wrong?"

  • leavingwt


    Ask your friend the following. His answer may surprise you, as it did me.

    "Do you think that sometimes it's best that we just blindly follow the Slave?"

    I had a good friend tell me once, "Sometimes we just have to blindly follow."

    This admission on his part helped wake me up out of my long cult nightmare.


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