Meetings No more !

by NEWWORLDSLACKER 19 Replies latest jw friends


    Great replys ....thanks again... part of my problem is that I feel quite isolated , I own my co. so I work alone ....this could be why I am having such trobble .

  • Satanus


    You could join a gym, martial arts club, take up a hobby in a group setting, do volunteer work like social work for homeless or alchaholic, take a course of some kind... Freedom takes a while to get used to.


  • rhett

    Find a hobby (hey, you've got the time for it now!) and then try to join some sort of club that's related to it. Hey, you never know, you're hobby may even turn into your business like me!
    Anyways, enjoy your free time and freedom.

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • openminded

    NWS- I was in the exact same boat 2 years ago. I started working out and enrolled in college. Now I am in the best shape of my life and a year away from a b.a. in business(now I actually have something to show for my time). I have more friends then I could have ever imagined and my life seems to get better each day(promoted at work, own a home now, better educated, enjoy watching my son play formerly forbidden organized sports). I still have dubs calling me to go out and what-not and I can hardly believe how weird they seem now. They are obsessed with gossip and not getting caught by the elders for this and for that. My quality of life has shot way up. Life on the whole seems more interesting. My wife still attends meetings and I dont see her changing anytime soon. Our relationship has changed somewhat as well but I think it has been for the better.

    All in all it simply feels good to live life for me and not any "untrained volunteers". I dont want come off like a service meeting part here and rave about how great things are, because life still has its ups and downs. But for me, meetings were a repetitive waste of my time. -om


    the meetings are Dry Toast and Water, to boring for me . B.T.W.
    my wife says its my choice not to go but she is staying with it . I can support her freedom to make the choice.


  • LB

    E-Mail me anytime. This place will be a good place to vent mostly, but if you need to chat, let me know.

  • Eyebrow

    New world,

    I am impressed that you and your wife have enough respect for each other to respect the choices you have both made. There are a lot of posts that disturb me because the one that has left sometimes seems to be on a mission to "save" the JW from the org. that nothing else matters. The same kind of over zealousness that many JWs exhibit. This can really destroy a marriage...something that does NOT have to happen!

  • HoChiMin

    NWS, > (if I may)

    After resigning as an elder I went to two more meetings then the last memorial I'll ever go to.
    For me that was a slow fade. It's been a year now and the control they have is still felt ,in my case, only because of some friends, also on their way out that I would like to stay in contact with. My ex wife did that to me years ago, left the org. cold turkey, it was difficult for me. As I think back now, she was smarter than I gave her credit for. And yes you are missing something, many things out there that are not controlled by Satan as the WT claims. A whole new world, if you look for the good things out there you will find them.


  • sf

    Hi NWS,

    If you've got yahoo messenger downloaded, quite a few people chat there in the "religions/beliefs"; "jw rooms". A young man came in yesterday seeking the same thing...a support network of non jw people.

    Give it a go sometime.

    Sincerely, sKally..."wturls" on yahoo VOICE chat


    Hey Slacker,Welcome to the zoo...OUTLAW

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