Where did the term "new light" come from? Was this ever in print anywhere or just a phrase that was created by followers when trying to describe changes to official doctrine or policy?
I know that the Society has long used the scripture about "light getting brighter" and that phrase can actually make sense. If the light is getting brighter it can mean that understanding to a teaching has increased.
But too many times over the years I've heard the term "new light" whenever someone was trying to describe a change in teaching.
If you really think about it, the term "new light" condemns their very changes in doctrine, practice or policy. "Truth" is truth. It does not change. "Truth" as "light" cannot change. It can grow brighter, maybe even dimmer, but it can't change. You can't turn off a light that was "truth" and turn on a "new light". It just doesn't work that way.
So when a dub says that they've received "new light" remind him that the scripture doesn't support "new light"; only the current light getting brighter.