What with a recent post about jws picking up people from care homes etc and homeless people etc, I think quality of new converts is going down.
by badboy 20 Replies latest jw friends
no more kool aid
Absolutely, most new people at our old congregation were folks that had been exposed to JW's for many years but now were in a car accident or had a stroke. Now they allowed someone to schlep them in a wheelchair to the meeting. The pioneers conducted a big bible study in a nursing home and without exception all of them were drooling or sleeping.
I think that is true badboy, but when they resort to trying to save elephants and penguins too like Noah did then we will know things are getting really desperate.
I think there was already a WT about preaching to a dog for some reason now I come to think of it.
that was in central america,methinks
Think about it this way.... Rutherford was very confrontational, and only wanted to be different from nominal Christianity, esp Catholicism. Knorr backed off the heavy handed rhetoric somewhat, but both continued to harvest relatively intelligent people who went from zero TV's in the 40's to TV with only 3 stations in the 70's. And good luck getting information otherwise....... These people were pissed at religion in general. Mental illness, depression, their signs and symptoms were not known during this time.... Thus, those that chose to be JW's really made the choice, and were stubborn about it. Yes they bought the propaganda, but there was no competing information, and no responsible alternative points of view as to JW dogma.
Then the numbers exploded in the push for '75. Which brought in a lot more people who weren't in it for the long haul, unlike the previous generation who decided to join just to be different. They joined because in a few years, the world was going to be destroyed by YHWH.
One could make an argument (like I am now, lol) that through the 80's, to decide to be a JW as opposed to a Catholic for most people was a matter of preference.
But as CoC and the internet really started to make inroads in the 90's, JW's couldn't rely on the intelligent disenfranchised anymore. I think the numbers in Japan speak eloquently to this....
Thus, I think the trend will continue to be that those who are mentally ill or technologically challenged as the borgs primary targets. It is clear that those who are well informed no longer flock to JW's the way they once did......
They still prey upon those with problems, its their only base now. The consequences of course is more work for pioneers, elders, and other "mature" ones....
I heartily agree that the quality of converts is circling the drain, with all respect. I don't mean that as an insult, its just an insidious, cynical attmept by the GB to target as best they can those they think will convert.
I think there was already a WT about preaching to a dog for some reason now I come to think of it.
Indeed there was. It's in the January 15, 2000 WT page18 par. 17 :
"In El Salvador, one man tied his vicious dog in front of the door whenever he saw Jehovah's Witnesses nearby. The man would wait for the Witnesses to move on, and then he would bring the dog back into the house. The brothers were never able to speak to the man. So one day they decided to try a different approach. Knowing that the man could hear what they were saying, they decided to preach to the dog. They came to the house, greeted the dog, and said how glad they were for the opportunity to speak to it. They talked about the time when there would be a paradise on earth, when no one would be angry-yes, when even the animals would be peaceable. Then they said a polite good-bye to the dog and started down the path. Much to their surprise, the man came out of his house and apologized for never having given the Witnesses the opportunity to speak to him. He accepted the magazines, and a Bible study was started. This man is now our brother-one of the "desirable things"!
Just when you think they can't get any dumber, they manage to surprise.
White Dove
I remember that story. Bet J'hoover won't resurrect it, even if it did listen? That's just bad policy in my opinion.
The very few times I have been exposed to dubs in recent years I have been pleasantly surprised to see how worldly they have become, especially watching a large groups of Dubs on the way to a D/C, the dress/language etc left a lot to be desired, and recently Dubs who have came out expressed how unloving and cold fellow Dubs and elders were when making contact with them after they had left, one friend told me even from elders, that after he had left the only concern they voiced was what job he had. what car they were driving, and how big their house was, they are a million miles away from the scripture that says" you will know if you are my disciples etc etc "
Later, the dog had to be disfellowshipped for fornication (doggy style)
This is a blatant attempt to inflate their numbers. Plus, if they are mentally ill now, just wait until they decide to join that religion--even criminal courts view such people as incapable of making rational decisions. They are "innocent by reason of insanity".
I have yet to hear of a witless judicial hearing where the accused is judged "innocent by reason of insanity". Yet, there is going to be more of that. People are going to be dragged into the Kingdumb Hell, make decisions because of their insanity, regret it later, and then want out. Then they are not going to be allowed out--and, to top it off, they could easily start things that would stand out in the world. Even now, criminals like pedophiles embarrass the witless religion--just wait until shootings at the Kingdumb Hells start becoming common. Remember, the shooters are these "insane" people that the witlesses recruited, and they are going to be found "innocent by reason of insanity".
I hope it leads to a deep audit of the whole religion--7 million, my a**.