In God Science We Trust.
Eventually, science will prove how the universe came to be (that is, unless the religious zealots running the world don't decide to crack down and freeze knowledge like they did during the First Dark Ages). So far, they have realized that there was infinite energy leading into the Big Bang, and this led to all the matter we have today. Science has also postulated 11 dimensions in space, only three of which we directly observe. Short of those religious zealots, one day science is going to find that 11 dimensions is only scratching the surface, and they will devise the technology to explore those other dimensions. That is going to put quite the dent in some Almighty God creating anything--and sharply slash any value He gets credit for.
As it is, the only reasonable evidence I have for the existence of any Almighty Being of any kind is that, every time I make correct decisions, they are methodically thrown out and I get nothing. Anything that would stop this Almighty Lowlife Scumbag from having me all to His f***ing Self is mmethodically eliminated--which is the sole evidence I have for His existence at all. And that for sure is not the kind of God I wish to worship.