The one thing keeping me from total atheism/theism

by easyreader1970 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC

    Atheism is a rational philosophy. Indicates lack of belief in the unproven/unlikely. Atheism is unprovable.
    Theism/deism is an irrational philosophy. Indicates belief in the unproven/unlikely. Theism/deism is provable. Too bad it aint been proved.

    Evolution is a Scientific Theory unrelated to atheism.
    Creation is a fairytale told in many ways by many different theistic/deistic philosophy.

    Yall need to learn the difference betwixt apples and oranges.

  • mary stewart
    mary stewart

    my feelings is that if this god guy always existed, then the energy matter came from always existed. maybe the energy is what some think is god.

    and rebel, yer definition is more like the one for 'agnostic'. i feel there's no way to prove there's a god, at least in the god that people were told existed. and i have a time grasping the big bang thing. something that proves evolution is how the deeper you dig, the sompler life gets. fist you find fossils of things like krill, then shrimp n fish, then mice, monkeys then humans. even if the dating is a bit off, that doesn't disprove it. and the 600 yr old earth theory where this god guy created light in transit is total malarkey!

  • unclebruce

    g'day easyreader1970,

    I can't fathom the everything from nothing/ something always existed thing either.

    The great discovery for me was that my mind is completely free now. I don't need answers to any of that stuff and anyway it's much more fun just exploring the questions and developing one's own philosophies and anti-philosophies. Just trust the god within mate and you'll be fine.

    unclebruce, australian by birth, taoist by nature.

  • parakeet

    Robert7: "Evolution and Atheism are both theories......."

    Could you please elaborate on this statement? Evolution is a theory, agreed, but how is atheism a theory? What is your testable hypothesis?

  • WTWizard

    In God Science We Trust.

    Eventually, science will prove how the universe came to be (that is, unless the religious zealots running the world don't decide to crack down and freeze knowledge like they did during the First Dark Ages). So far, they have realized that there was infinite energy leading into the Big Bang, and this led to all the matter we have today. Science has also postulated 11 dimensions in space, only three of which we directly observe. Short of those religious zealots, one day science is going to find that 11 dimensions is only scratching the surface, and they will devise the technology to explore those other dimensions. That is going to put quite the dent in some Almighty God creating anything--and sharply slash any value He gets credit for.

    As it is, the only reasonable evidence I have for the existence of any Almighty Being of any kind is that, every time I make correct decisions, they are methodically thrown out and I get nothing. Anything that would stop this Almighty Lowlife Scumbag from having me all to His f***ing Self is mmethodically eliminated--which is the sole evidence I have for His existence at all. And that for sure is not the kind of God I wish to worship.

  • shopaholic

    I'm in the same boat as Easyrider but identify as agnostic. Sometimes, seriously, I wonder if our universe is trapped in a black hole because you know what they say "out of sight, out of mind".

  • Gladring

    For me whether stuff has always been there, or stuff came from nothing isn't such a big deal. And it doesn't really affect my (lack of) belief in a deity. Whether the universe sprang from nothing, or has always been there, we don't know for sure - maybe we'll find out someday. Either way those are our two options, that's just the way the universe is.

    The one that really wrecks my head is WHY the universe exists. I mean, why should something exist rather than nothing?

  • hamilcarr

    The great discovery for me was that my mind is completely free now. I don't need answers to any of that stuff and anyway it's much more fun just exploring the questions and developing one's own philosophies and anti-philosophies.

    I agree. I've put the supernatural between double brackets. Haven't cast it away though.

  • quietlyleaving

    I don't believe in anything either

  • Robert7
    Why do you say atheism is a theory?

    I guess only in that "knowing there is no god" is just as unprovable as "Knowing there is a god". I'm basically on the same Atheist page as you, so I'm not trying to convince anyone of God, but I just want to admit to uncertainty.

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