What are you going to give up on Lent?

by DoubleVision 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BurnTheShips


  • Quirky1

    I'm gonna give up looking at these threads....

  • WuzLovesDubs

    I gave up Lent for Lent in 1984...and never looked back.

  • Mastodon

    Give what? To what? Hell no, I ain't giving no more to any imaginary sipirit in the sky...

  • IP_SEC

    I hereby pledge to masturbate only 5 times instead of 6+ per day.

  • WTWizard

    I gave up my Washtowels and Asleeps for Lent (albeit a bit on the late side) in 2005--via my shredder. I gave up boasting sessions (again, a bit late for Lent) also in 2005; field circus, too. That alone simplified my life a lot.

    Last Christmas time, I gave up a lot of crap I got from the witlesses (with strings of imaginary debt attached) when I moved in. That was a bit too early to properly call it Lent, but it did make an improvement in the appearance of my place. And the stuff I bought to replace the crap works much better--and is not the kind of crap that is going to reach the end of its life in a few short months.

    Besides, I have been more careful in wasteful spending. I changed my debit card number, which is going to cause me to give up a lot of MLMs and wasteful programs that I had been wasting close to $200 per month on. That change took effect much closer to Lent time--and now I intend to use the freed up money buying things that are going to serve me well during the upcoming Hyperinflation.

  • BurnTheShips

    Pretty much all the major religious traditions practice some form of fasting or self denial. It seems that when we willingly deprive ourselves of something, our focus improves, we cast off the burdens of excess and feeding of the ego and approach enlightenment and personal growth in some form

  • hamsterbait

    The whole point of these "abstinence Fests" was to induce a visionary experience through malnutrition and dehydration.

    When ornary folks couldn't manage their jobs and families whilst doing this, the Gangters (aka PRIESTS) said - well if you sacrifice something else, and give it to 'god (aka "US") you will still be blessed.

    Why is it always some normal GIFT from God that we give up?

    Why not give up GUILT? Depression?

    No it is always something that might end up as MONEY in the coffers (QV JWs)

    For one I enjoy starving myself and being a martyr. So i am giving these up.


  • blondie

    I think I will give up meetings of jws..............oh, I'm doing that already

  • rebel8


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