by badboy 15 Replies latest jw friends
I don't know, But I hope they stop. Every time they come over to talk to me they need to bend over to get through the door. Then they wind up breaking my furniture when they sit on it.
"There's a sucker born every minute." -- P. T. Barnum
If the JWs don't find 'em, another cult will.
Poor souls.
they will always be growing, but more people will get out anyway eventually, the only way we can stop JW from growing is ban JW baptism.
All they need is fake numbers. No matter how many attempt to leave, they inflate the numbers and turn in fake time slips. They can print up 50 million fake time slips, report them, and claim to have 50 million members, report this "phenomenal growth" on mainstream media, get people to think this is the cool thing to belong to in the 21st century, and then watch everyone get scammed (including the governments). At which point, they put down the hammer and plunge us into the Second Dark Ages.
Hey, if the early Catholic church could do it without TV, newspapers, and the Internet, why wouldn't the witlesses?
3 day`s.....It`s in the Bible!!..............(the Dog is Sleeping)......;-)...OUTLAW
yadda yadda 2
A few short years after 2014 I'm suspecting. It should stay permanently below 1% p.a. from 2017 I'd say.
I honestly don't know!
Mickey mouse
I think they already have. Think about it. A few years ago they made the "provision" for elderly witnesses to count their time in 15 minute blocks. That initiative will have kept a few extra thousand publishers included in the "regular publisher" category. This September they suggested that both parents can count up to 4 hours per month for time spent studying with their children. I highly doubt more than a handful of JWs spend that amount of time per month studying with their children but you can bet your bottom dollar that time is going on the report slip anyhow.
If it weren't for these efforts to manipulate the figures, I would make a guess at a 10-20% decline over the past ten years. This is purely based upon what I see happening in congregations around here. My local one has seen a 40% decline over the past ten years.
Not soon enough.
Agent Smith